Rey Mysterio

Starting with… the US debut.

A lot of stuff is missing from Mexico and Japan, especially in the 90s. This is highly unlikely to change any time soon.

Almost all of the outfits from April ’96 onwards were created by Masahiro Hayashi, a japanese designer Rey first met in December of ’95; some masks were made by Gustavo Bucio.

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Showing 51 to 100 of 1557 entries
Date (YYYY-MM-DD)EventOutfit
1996-10-27 WCW Halloween Havoc (1996) Tights, Diamonds: Black w/ Red & White [1st half w/ mask, 2nd half w/o mask]NEW!
Tights, Diamonds: Green w/ Red & White [mask only, 2nd half]
Unknown [aired 1996-10-27] WCW WorldWide Tights, Falcons: Tribute, Spider-Man [mask #1, w/o armbands & bracers]
1996-10-28 WCW Monday Nitro Tights, Diamonds: Red w/ Blue
1996-11-05 [aired 1996-11-09] WCW Saturday Night Tights, Diamonds: Yellow w/ Blue [mask #1, w/o one armband]
Unknown [aired 1996-11-09] WCW WorldWide Tights, Falcons: Tribute, Spider-Man [mask #1, w/o armbands & bracers]
1996-11-10 [aired 1997-01-12] WCW WorldWide Mask: Black w/ White & GreenNEW!
Tights, Diamonds: Black w/ Green [w/o mask]
1996-11-10 [aired 1997-02-16] WCW WorldWide Tights, Diamonds: Black w/ Red & White
1996-11-10 [aired 1997-02-23] WCW WorldWide Tights, Diamonds: Black w/ Red & White
1996-11-11 WCW Monday Nitro Tights, Falcons: Tribute, Spider-Man [mask #1, w/o armbands & bracers]
Unknown [aired 1996-11-17] WCW Pro Tights, Diamonds: Blue w/ White & Red [mask #2]
1996-11-24 WCW World War 3 (1996) Tights, Falcons: Tribute, Spider-Man [mask #1, w/o armbands & bracers]
1996-11-25 WCW Monday Nitro Mask: Black w/ White & Green
Tights, Diamonds: Black w/ Green [w/o mask]
Unknown [aired 1996-12-08] WCW WorldWide Mask: Black w/ White & Green
Tights, Diamonds: Black w/ Green [w/o mask]
1996-12-13 WAR Ryogoku Crush Night Tights, Falcons: Tribute, Spider-Man [mask #1, w/o armbands & bracers]
1996-12-16 WCW Monday Nitro Tights, Diamonds: Red w/ Blue
1996-12-23 WCW Monday Nitro Tights, Diamonds: Red w/ Blue [w/o armbands]
1996-12-29 WCW Starrcade (1996) Tights, Diamonds: Split Black & WhiteNEW!
1996-12-30 WCW Monday Nitro Tights, Diamonds: Red w/ Blue
Unknown [aired 1997-01-05] WCW Pro Wrestling Tights, Diamonds: Yellow w/ Blue [mask #1, w/o armbands]
1997-01-06 WCW Monday Nitro Tights, Diamonds: Split Black & White [w/o bracers]
1997-01-08 [aired 1997-01-11] WCW Saturday Night Tights, Diamonds: Red w/ Blue [mask & armbands only]
Tights, Falcons: Tribute, Spider-Man [pants only]
Unknown [aired 1997-01-26] WCW WorldWide Tights, Diamonds: Yellow w/ Blue [mask #1, w/o armbands]
Unknown [aired 1997-02-02] WCW WorldWide Tights, Diamonds: Yellow w/ Blue [mask #1, w/o armbands]
1997-02-10 WCW Monday Nitro Tights, Diamonds: Split Black & White [w/o bracers]
1997-02-17 WCW Monday Nitro Mask, Crown: Red w/ Gold [2nd mask]NEW!
Tights, Diamonds: Blue w/ Pink [match w/ mask, interference w/o mask]NEW!
Tights, Falcons: Tribute, Spider-Man [mask #2 only, interference]
1997-02-18 [aired 1997-02-22] WCW Saturday Night Tights, Diamonds: Blue w/ Pink
1997-02-21 Promo Azteca Tights, Diamonds: Split Black & White [w/o bracers]
1997-02-23 WCW SuperBrawl VII Tights, Diamonds: Green w/ Red & YellowNEW!
1997-02-24 WCW Monday Nitro Tights, Diamonds: Blue w/ Pink [w/o armbands]
1997-03-03 WCW Monday Nitro Tights, Diamonds: Green w/ Red & Yellow [w/o bracers]
1997-03-10 WCW Monday Nitro Tights, Diamonds: OrangeNEW!
1997-03-16 WCW Uncensored (1997) Tights, Falcons: Tribute, Spider-Man [mask #3, w/o armbands & bracers]
1997-03-17 WCW Monday Nitro Tights, Diamonds: Green w/ Red & Yellow [w/o bracers & armbands]
1997-04-01 [aired 1997-04-05] WCW Saturday Night Tights, Diamonds: Blue w/ Pink [w/o armbands]
1997-04-06 WCW Spring Stampede (1997) Tights, Diamonds: Black w/ WhiteNEW!
Vest: Split White & BlackNEW!
1997-04-07 WCW Monday Nitro Tights, Diamonds: Black w/ White
1997-04-14 WCW Monday Nitro Tights, Diamonds: Orange [w/o armbands]
1997-04-21 WCW Monday Nitro Tights, Diamonds: Red w/ YellowNEW!
1997-05-05 WCW Monday Nitro Tights, Falcons: Tribute, Spider-Man [mask #4, w/o armbands & bracers]
1997-05-08 [aired 1997-05-10] WCW Saturday Night Tights, Diamonds: Black w/ White [w/o armbands]
Tights, Diamonds: Split Black & White [armbands only]
1997-05-13 [aired 1997-05-17] WCW Saturday Night Tights, Diamonds: Orange
1997-05-18 WCW Slamboree (1997) Tights, Diamonds: Silver DotsNEW!
Unknown [aired 1997-06-01] WCW WorldWide Tights, Falcons: Tribute, Spider-Man [mask #4, w/o armbands & bracers]
Unknown [aired 1997-06-15] WCW WorldWide Tights, Falcons: Tribute, Spider-Man [mask #4, w/o armbands & bracers]
1997-06-16 WCW Monday Nitro Tights, Diamonds: Red w/ Yellow
1997-06-21 nWo vs WCW Take Over ’97 Tights, Diamonds: Red w/ Yellow
Unknown [aired 1997-06-22] WCW WorldWide Tights, Diamonds: Black w/ White [w/o armbands]
Tights, Diamonds: Split Black & White [armbands only]
1997-06-28 WCW Saturday Nitro Tights, Diamonds: Silver Dots [w/o bracers]
1997-06-30 WCW Monday Nitro Tights, Diamonds: Black w/ PurpleNEW!
1997-07-04 Promo Azteca Tights, Diamonds: Silver Dots
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Showing 51 to 100 of 1557 entries

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    12/8/96, Rey Mysterio Jr. vs Johnny Swinger