Kevin Nash

Starting with… Kevin Nash’s first WWF run, as Diesel.

Singlet [42]

1993 [5]

1994 [4]

1995 [8]

1996 [4]

The move to the WCW in the middle of the year saw the introduction of red in the color scheme.

1997 [1]

1998 [1]

1999 [3]

2000 [1]

2001 [2]

2002 [1]

2003 [2]

2004 [1]

2006 [1]

2007 [1]

2008 [3]

2009 [1]

2010 [1]

2011 [1]

2012 [1]

Entrance [10]

1993 [2]

1994 [2]

1995 [3]

1996 [3]

For some reason, this is the last year Nash had new vests made, later instead using old ones, despite their poor shape, whenever he felt like wearing something to the ring.

Pants [24]

1993 [2]

1994 [4]

1995 [6]

1996 [4]

1997 [2]

1998 [1]

1999 [1]

2002 [2]

Aaaand this is where I give up. From this point on, color aside, all the leather pants will be very similar to one another, without any easily distinctive feature like studs or tassels, and I can’t tell most of them apart, especially on video footage.

2004 [1]

2008 [1]


Show pagesShow all

Showing all of 521 entries
  • 1
Date (YYYY-MM-DD)EventSingletEntrancePants
1993-07-26 [aired 1993-08-14] WWF Superstars ? First topNEW! FirstNEW!
1993-07-27 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping Red LogoNEW! ? First
1993-07-27 [aired 1993-08-29] WWF Wrestling Challenge ? First top First
1993-08-12 WWF House Show (Providence, Rhode Island, USA) ? First top First
1993-08-13 WWF House Show (New York City, New York, USA) ShinyNEW! First top First
1993-08-16 [aired 1993-08-22] WWF SummerSlam Spectacular (1993) ? First top First
1993-08-17 WWF Superstars taping ? First top First
1993-08-17 [aired 1993-09-18] WWF Superstars ? First top First
1993-08-27 WWF House Show (Long Island, New York, USA) ? First top First
1993-08-30 WWF SummerSlam (1993) Shiny First top First
1993-08-31 WWF Superstars taping ? First top First
1993-09-01 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping ? First top First
1993-09-27 [aired 1993-10-04] WWF Monday Night Raw Shiny ? First
1993-09-28 [aired 1993-10-23] WWF Superstars ZebraNEW! First top First
1993-09-29 [aired 1993-10-17] WWF Wrestling Challenge Zebra First top First
1993-10-01 WWF House Show (San Jose, California, USA) ? First top First
1993-10-12 WWF House Show (Bielefeld, Germany) BlackNEW! First top NoneNEW!
1993-10-18 [aired 1993-10-25] WWF Monday Night Raw Black First top First
1993-10-19 [aired 1993-11-21] WWF Wrestling Challenge Zebra v2NEW! First top First
1993-10-20 WWF Superstars taping Black ? First
1993-10-20 [aired 1993-11-06] WWF Superstars Black NoneNEW! First
1993-10-20 [aired 1993-11-13] WWF Superstars Black First top First
1993-11-08 [aired 1993-11-15] WWF Monday Night Raw Black First top First
1993-11-09 [aired 1993-12-05] WWF Wrestling Challenge Black First top First
1993-11-10 [aired 1993-12-04] WWF Superstars Black First top First
1993-11-24 WWF Survivor Series (1993) Black Survivor ’93 topNEW! Survivor ’93NEW!
1993-11-27 WWF House Show (New York City, New York, USA) Black Survivor ’93 top First
1993-11-29 WWF Monday Night Raw Black Survivor ’93 top First
1993-11-29 [aired 1993-12-06] WWF Monday Night Raw Black None First
1993-12-13 [aired 1994-01-03] WWF Monday Night Raw ? First top First
1993-12-14 [aired 1994-01-15] WWF Superstars ? First top ?
1993-12-14 [aired 1994-01-22] WWF Superstars ? First top First
1993-12-15 [aired 1994-01-23] WWF Wrestling Challenge ? First top First
1994-01-10 [aired 1994-01-17] WWF Monday Night Raw Black Survivor ’93 top First
1994-01-10 [aired 1994-01-24] WWF Monday Night Raw ? Survivor ’93 top First
1994-01-11 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping Black Survivor ’93 top First
1994-01-11 [aired 1994-02-06] WWF Wrestling Challenge Black Survivor ’93 top First
1994-01-11 [aired 1994-02-13] WWF Wrestling Challenge Black Survivor ’93 top First
1994-01-12 [aired 1994-01-29] WWF Superstars Black Survivor ’93 top First
1994-01-12 [aired 1994-02-05] WWF Superstars Black Survivor ’93 top First
1994-01-14 WWF House Show (San Jose, California, USA) Black Survivor ’93 top First
1994-01-17 WWF House Show (New York City, New York, USA) Black Survivor ’93 top First
1994-01-22 WWF Royal Rumble (1994) Black None Survivor ’93
1994-02-01 [aired 1994-02-19] WWF Superstars Logo (Black)NEW! Survivor ’93 top First
1994-02-01 [aired 1994-05-03] WWF Superstars Logo (Black) ? First
1994-02-02 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top First
1994-02-21 WWF Monday Night Raw Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top First
1994-02-22 WWF Superstars taping Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top First
1994-02-22 [aired 1994-03-12] WWF Superstars Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top First
1994-02-22 [aired 1994-03-26] WWF Superstars Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top First
1994-02-23 [aired 1994-03-27] WWF Wrestling Challenge Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top First
1994-03-20 WWF WrestleMania X Logo (Black) WrestleMania X topNEW! WrestleMania XNEW!
1994-03-21 WWF Monday Night Raw Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top First
1994-03-21 [aired 1994-04-04] WWF Monday Night Raw Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top First
1994-03-22 [aired 1994-04-09] WWF Superstars Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top First
1994-03-22 [aired 1994-04-16] WWF Superstars Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top First
1994-03-22 [aired 1994-04-23] WWF Superstars Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top First
1994-03-23 [aired 1994-04-24] WWF Wrestling Challenge Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top First
1994-04-11 WWF Monday Night Raw Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top First
1994-04-11 [aired 1994-04-25] WWF Monday Night Raw Logo (Black) None First
1994-04-13 [aired 1994-04-30] WWF Superstars Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top Survivor ’93
1994-04-26 [aired 1994-05-02] WWF Monday Night Raw Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top Survivor ’93
1994-04-26 [aired 1994-05-16] WWF Monday Night Raw Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top Survivor ’93
1994-04-27 [aired 1994-05-28] WWF Superstars Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top Survivor ’93
1994-05-20 WWF House Show (New York City, New York, USA) Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top First
1994-05-23 [aired 1994-05-30] WWF Monday Night Raw Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top Survivor ’93
1994-05-25 [aired 1994-06-11] WWF Superstars Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top Survivor ’93
1994-05-25 [aired 1994-06-18] WWF Superstars Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top Survivor ’93
1994-06-19 WWF King of the Ring (1994) Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top King of the Ring ’94NEW!
1994-06-20 WWF Monday Night Raw Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top King of the Ring ’94
1994-06-21 [aired 1994-07-02] WWF Superstars Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top Misc #1NEW!
1994-06-21 [aired 1994-07-09] WWF Superstars Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top Misc #1
1994-06-21 [aired 1994-07-16] WWF Superstars Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top Misc #1
1994-06-22 [aired 1994-07-03] WWF Wrestling Challenge Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top Misc #1
1994-06-30 WWF House Show (Rancho Cucamonga, California, USA Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top Misc #1
1994-07-01 [aired 1994-07-18] WWF Monday Night Raw Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top King of the Ring ’94
1994-07-02 [aired 1994-08-07] WWF Wrestling Challenge Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top King of the Ring ’94
1994-07-03 [aired 1994-07-23] WWF Superstars Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top Misc #1
1994-07-03 [aired 1994-07-30] WWF Superstars Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top Misc #1
1994-07-03 [aired 1994-08-06] WWF Superstars Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top Misc #1
1994-07-10 WWF House Show (Innsbruck, Austria) Logo (Black) None ?
1994-07-12 WWF House Show (Essen, Germany) Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top ?
1994-08-01 WWF Monday Night Raw Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top King of the Ring ’94
1994-08-01 [aired 1994-08-21] WWF Sunday Night Slam Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top King of the Ring ’94
1994-08-02 [aired 1994-08-13] WWF Superstars Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top King of the Ring ’94
1994-08-02 [aired 1994-08-20] WWF Superstars Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top King of the Ring ’94
1994-08-02 [aired 1994-08-27] WWF Superstars Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top King of the Ring ’94
1994-08-03 [aired 1994-08-28] WWF Wrestling Challenge Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top Misc #1
1994-08-15 WWF Monday Night Raw taping Logo (Black) ? Misc #1
1994-08-15 [aired 1994-09-12] WWF Monday Night Raw Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top Misc #1
1994-08-16 [aired 1994-09-18] WWF Wrestling Challenge Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top Misc #1
1994-08-17 [aired 1994-09-10] WWF Superstars Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top Misc #1
1994-08-25 WWF House Show (New York City, New York, USA) Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top Survivor ’93
1994-08-29 WWF SummerSlam (1994) CoolNEW! SummerSlam ’94 topNEW! SummerSlam ’94NEW!
1994-08-30 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping Logo (Black) ? King of the Ring ’94
1994-08-31 [aired 1994-09-24] WWF Superstars Cool SummerSlam ’94 top King of the Ring ’94
1994-08-31 [aired 1994-10-08] WWF Superstars DaddyNEW! Survivor ’93 top King of the Ring ’94
1994-09-09 WWF House Show (Kassel, Germany) Cool Survivor ’93 top SummerSlam ’94
1994-09-24 WWF House Show (Anaheim, California, USA) Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top ?
1994-09-26 WWF Monday Night Raw Daddy Survivor ’93 top King of the Ring ’94
1994-09-27 [aired 1994-10-15] WWF Superstars Daddy Survivor ’93 top King of the Ring ’94
1994-09-27 [aired 1994-10-22] WWF Superstars Daddy Survivor ’93 top King of the Ring ’94
1994-09-28 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping Logo (Black) ? Misc #1
1994-09-28 [aired 1994-10-30] WWF Action Zone Logo (Black) ? Misc #1
1994-10-17 [aired 1994-10-24] WWF Monday Night Raw Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top Misc #1
1994-10-18 [aired 1994-11-05] WWF Superstars Cool Survivor ’93 top Misc #1
1994-10-18 [aired 1994-11-19] WWF Superstars Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top King of the Ring ’94
1994-10-19 [aired 1994-11-20] WWF Action Zone Cool Survivor ’93 top Misc #1
1994-10-19 [aired 1994-11-20] WWF Wrestling Challenge Cool Survivor ’93 top Misc #1
1994-11-07 [aired 1994-11-21] WWF Monday Night Raw Logo (Black) Survivor ’93 top King of the Ring ’94
1994-11-23 WWF Survivor Series (1994) Logo (Black) SummerSlam ’94 top SummerSlam ’94
1994-11-26 WWF House Show (New York City, New York, USA) Logo (Black) SummerSlam ’94 top SummerSlam ’94
1994-11-28 WWF Monday Night Raw Big DieselNEW! SummerSlam ’94 top ?
1994-12-12 [aired 1994-12-26] WWF Monday Night Raw Logo (Black) SummerSlam ’94 top SummerSlam ’94
1994-12-14 [aired 1995-01-14] WWF Superstars Cool SummerSlam ’94 top King of the Ring ’94
1995-01-10 WWF Superstars taping Cool SummerSlam ’94 top SummerSlam ’94
1995-01-11 [aired 1995-02-05] WWF Action Zone Cool SummerSlam ’94 top SummerSlam ’94
1995-01-22 WWF Royal Rumble (1995) Cool Rumble ’95 topNEW! Rumble ’95NEW!
1995-02-20 WWF Monday Night Raw Logo (Black) SummerSlam ’94 top SummerSlam ’94
1995-03-04 WWF House Show (San Bernardino, California, USA) Cool ? SummerSlam ’94
1995-03-13 [aired 1995-03-26] WWF Sunday Night Slam Cool SummerSlam ’94 top Survivor ’93
1995-03-19 WWF House Show (New York City, New York, USA) Daddy SummerSlam ’94 top SummerSlam ’94
1995-03-28 WWF WrestleMania XI Public Workout Daddy ? SummerSlam ’94
1995-04-02 WWF WrestleMania XI Grille (Silver)NEW! WrestleMania XI topNEW! WrestleMania XINEW!
1995-04-03 WWF Monday Night Raw Cool SummerSlam ’94 top WrestleMania XI
1995-04-05 [aired 1995-04-23] WWF Wrestling Challenge Logo (Black) SummerSlam ’94 top King of the Ring ’94
1995-04-21 WWF House Show (Munich, Germany) Cool SummerSlam ’94 top King of the Ring ’94
1995-04-24 WWF Monday Night Raw Cool SummerSlam ’94 top SummerSlam ’94
1995-04-24 [aired 1995-05-01] WWF Monday Night Raw Cool None SummerSlam ’94
1995-04-25 [aired 1995-05-13] WWF Superstars Daddy SummerSlam ’94 top Rumble ’95
1995-04-26 [aired 1995-05-14] WWF Wrestling Challenge Logo (Black) SummerSlam ’94 top King of the Ring ’94
1995-05-12 WWF House Show (Providence, Rhode Island, USA) ? SummerSlam ’94 top King of the Ring ’94
1995-05-13 WWF House Show (Boston, Massachusetts, USA) Daddy ? Rumble ’95
1995-05-14 WWF In Your House Logo (Silver)NEW! SummerSlam ’94 top SummerSlam ’94
1995-05-15 WWF Monday Night Raw Grille (Silver) None SummerSlam ’94
1995-05-15 [aired 1995-05-22] WWF Monday Night Raw Grille (Silver) None SummerSlam ’94
1995-05-16 [aired 1995-05-27] WWF Superstars Logo (Silver) SummerSlam ’94 top SummerSlam ’94
1995-06-17 WWF House Show (Anaheim, California, USA) Logo (Silver) SummerSlam ’94 top Rumble ’95
1995-06-25 WWF King of the Ring (1995) Daddy v2NEW! SummerSlam ’95 topNEW! King of the Ring ’95NEW!
1995-06-26 [aired 1995-07-17] WWF Monday Night Raw Daddy v2 SummerSlam ’95 top King of the Ring ’95
1995-07-23 WWF In Your House 2 Power (Dots)NEW! SummerSlam ’95 top King of the Ring ’95
1995-07-24 [aired 1995-08-07] WWF Monday Night Raw Daddy v2 SummerSlam ’95 top King of the Ring ’95
1995-07-25 WWF Superstars taping Daddy v2 SummerSlam ’95 top King of the Ring ’95
1995-07-26 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping Daddy v2 SummerSlam ’95 top King of the Ring ’95
1995-08-14 WWF Monday Night Raw Grille (Silver) None SummerSlam ’94
1995-08-14 [aired 1995-08-21] WWF Monday Night Raw Grille (Silver) SummerSlam ’95 top SummerSlam ’94
1995-08-14 [aired 1995-09-10] WWF Action Zone (international version) Grille (Silver) None SummerSlam ’94
1995-08-27 WWF SummerSlam (1995) Grille (Black)NEW! SummerSlam ’95 top SummerSlam ’95NEW!
1995-08-28 [aired 1995-09-11] WWF Monday Night Raw Power (Dots) None ?
1995-08-28 [aired 1995-09-18] WWF Monday Night Raw Power (Dots) None ?
1995-08-29 [aired 1995-09-23] WWF Superstars Power (Dots) SummerSlam ’95 top SummerSlam ’95
1995-09-24 WWF In Your House 3 DudesNEW! SummerSlam ’95 top SummerSlam ’95
1995-09-25 WWF Monday Night Raw ? ShirtNEW! SummerSlam ’95
1995-09-25 [aired 1995-10-09] WWF Monday Night Raw Dudes SummerSlam ’95 top SummerSlam ’95
1995-09-26 WWF Superstars taping Grille (Silver) SummerSlam ’95 top King of the Ring ’95
1995-09-26 [aired 1995-10-14] WWF Superstars Grille (Silver) SummerSlam ’95 top King of the Ring ’95
1995-10-10 WWF House Show (Cologne, Germany) Daddy SummerSlam ’95 top WrestleMania XI
1995-10-22 WWF In Your House 4 Grille (Black v2)NEW! SummerSlam ’95 top In Your House #4NEW!
1995-11-12 WWF House Show (East Rutherford, New Jersey, USA) Logo (Silver) SummerSlam ’95 top King of the Ring ’94
1995-11-19 WWF Survivor Series (1995) ComebackNEW! SummerSlam ’95 top In Your House #4
1995-11-21 [aired 1995-12-09] WWF Superstars Comeback SummerSlam ’95 top In Your House #4
1995-11-21 [aired 1995-12-11] WWF Monday Night Raw Comeback None In Your House #4
1995-12-17 WWF In Your House 5 Power (Dots) SummerSlam ’95 top In Your House #5NEW!
1995-12-18 [aired 1996-01-01] WWF Monday Night Raw Power (Dots) SummerSlam ’95 top In Your House #5
1995-12-19 [aired 1996-01-20] WWF Superstars Power (Dots) SummerSlam ’95 top In Your House #4
1996-01-05 WWF House Show (Long Island, New York, USA) ? SummerSlam ’95 top ?
1996-01-21 WWF Royal Rumble (1996) Daddy v2 None In Your House #5
1996-01-22 [aired 1996-01-29] WWF Monday Night Raw Logo (Silver) SummerSlam ’95 top In Your House #5
1996-01-22 [aired 1996-02-05] WWF Monday Night Raw Logo (Silver) SummerSlam ’95 top In Your House #5
1996-01-26 WWF House Show (New York City, New York, USA) ? SummerSlam ’95 top ?
1996-02-18 WWF In Your House 6 Power (Silver)NEW! SummerSlam ’95 top Rumble ’95
1996-02-19 WWF Monday Night Raw Power (Dots) None In Your House #5
1996-02-19 [aired 1996-02-26] WWF Monday Night Raw Power (Dots) None In Your House #5
1996-03-11 WWF Monday Night Raw Power (Dots) SummerSlam ’95 top In Your House #5
1996-03-11 [aired 1996-03-18] WWF Monday Night Raw Power (Dots) SummerSlam ’95 top In Your House #5
1996-03-17 WWF House Show (New York City, New York, USA) Daddy v2 None In Your House #4
1996-03-31 WWF WrestleMania XII Big “D”NEW! WrestleMania XII topNEW! WrestleMania XIINEW!
1996-04-28 WWF In Your House 7: Good Friends, Better Enemies Grille (Black v2) WrestleMania XII top In Your House #4
1996-07-07 WCW Bash at the Beach (1996) Outsiders (Red)NEW! None Bash ’96NEW!
1996-08-10 WCW Hog Wild Outsiders (Red) Hog Wild topNEW! Hog WildNEW!
1996-08-12 WCW Monday Nitro Outsiders (Red) Hog Wild top Hog Wild
1996-09-06 WCW House Show (Shreveport, Louisiana, USA) Outsiders (Red) Shirt ?
1996-09-15 WCW Fall Brawl (1996) Outsiders (Red) None Bash ’96
1996-09-23 WCW Monday Nitro Outsiders (Red) Shirt Hog Wild
1996-10-07 [aired 1996-10-12] WCW Saturday Night Outsiders (Red) None Hog Wild
1996-10-21 [aired 1996-10-26] WCW Saturday Night Outsiders (Red) Hog Wild top Hog Wild
1996-10-27 WCW Halloween Havoc (1996) NWONEW! Havoc ’96 topNEW! Havoc ’96NEW!
1996-11-11 [aired 1996-11-16] WCW Saturday Night Outsiders (Red) Hog Wild top Hog Wild
1996-11-18 [aired 1996-11-23] WCW Saturday Night NWO None WrestleMania XII
1996-11-24 WCW World War 3 (1996) NWO Havoc ’96 top Havoc ’96
1996-11-29 [aired 1996-11-30] WCW Saturday Night NWO SummerSlam ’95 top WrestleMania XII
1996-12-16 WCW Monday Nitro Outsiders (Red) None Bash ’96
1996-12-18 [aired 1996-12-21] WCW Saturday Night Outsiders (Red) Hog Wild top Bash ’96
1996-12-29 WCW Starrcade (1996) Outsiders (Red) Shirt Havoc ’96
1997-01-25 WCW Souled Out (1997) nAShNEW! Shirt Souled Out ’97NEW!
1997-01-27 WCW Monday Nitro nASh Shirt Souled Out ’97
1997-02-10 WCW Monday Nitro nASh SummerSlam ’95 top WrestleMania XII
1997-02-23 WCW SuperBrawl VII nASh None Havoc ’96
1997-03-16 WCW Uncensored (1997) NWO None Souled Out ’97
1997-03-17 WCW Monday Nitro Outsiders (Red) Shirt Souled Out ’97
1997-04-06 WCW Spring Stampede (1997) NWO SummerSlam ’95 top Havoc ’96
1997-04-14 WCW Monday Nitro Outsiders (Red) Shirt In Your House #4
1997-05-03 [aired 1997-05-17] NJPW Strong Style Evolution in Osaka Dome Outsiders (Red) Shirt Souled Out ’97
1997-05-18 WCW Slamboree (1997) Outsiders (Red) SummerSlam ’95 top In Your House #4
1997-06-09 WCW Monday Nitro Outsiders (Red) SummerSlam ’95 top In Your House #4
1997-06-15 WCW The Great American Bash (1997) nASh SummerSlam ’95 top Great Bash ’97NEW!
1997-06-21 nWo vs WCW Take Over ’97 Outsiders (Red) SummerSlam ’95 top Hog Wild
1997-06-28 WCW Saturday Nitro nASh ? ?
1997-06-30 WCW Monday Nitro nASh SummerSlam ’95 top Great Bash ’97
1997-07-14 WCW Monday Nitro Outsiders (Red) None Hog Wild
1997-07-22 WCW Tuesday Nitro Outsiders (Red) None Hog Wild
1997-08-09 WCW Road Wild (1997) Outsiders (Red) Havoc ’96 top Havoc ’96
1997-08-11 WCW Monday Nitro Outsiders (Red) Havoc ’96 top Havoc ’96
1997-08-18 WCW Monday Nitro Outsiders (Red) None In Your House #4
1997-09-14 WCW Fall Brawl (1997) nASh None Havoc ’96
1997-09-15 WCW Monday Nitro nASh SummerSlam ’95 top Havoc ’96
1997-09-18 WCW House Show (Spokane, Washington, USA) nASh ? Havoc ’96
Unknown [aired 1997-09-27] WCW WorldWide Outsiders (Red) None Hog Wild
Unknown [aired 1997-10-04] WCW WorldWide Outsiders (Red) None Hog Wild
1998-01-08 WCW Thunder Outsiders (Red) SummerSlam ’94 top Hog Wild
1998-01-12 WCW Monday Nitro Outsiders (Red) None Hog Wild
1998-01-15 WCW Thunder Outsiders (Red) None Hog Wild
1998-01-24 WCW Souled Out (1998) nASh Havoc ’96 top Havoc ’96
1998-01-26 WCW Monday Nitro Outsiders (Red) None Hog Wild
1998-01-29 WCW Thunder Outsiders (Red) Shirt Hog Wild
1998-02-02 WCW Monday Nitro nASh Shirt In Your House #4
1998-02-09 WCW Monday Nitro NWO Shirt Great Bash ’97
1998-02-16 WCW Monday Nitro Outsiders (Red) Shirt Bash ’96
1998-02-19 WCW Thunder Outsiders (Red) Shirt Bash ’96
1998-02-22 WCW SuperBrawl VIII nASh Havoc ’96 top Havoc ’96
1998-02-26 WCW Thunder Outsiders (Red) Shirt Great Bash ’97
1998-03-02 WCW Monday Nitro ? Shirt Misc #1
1998-03-09 WCW Monday Nitro nASh None In Your House #4
1998-03-15 WCW Uncensored (1998) Nash v2NEW! Havoc ’96 top Havoc ’96
1998-03-17 [aired 1998-03-28] WCW Saturday Night Nash v2 Shirt Havoc ’96
1998-03-23 WCW Monday Nitro nASh SummerSlam ’95 top Great Bash ’97
1998-03-26 WCW Thunder OtherNEW! Shirt OtherNEW!
1998-03-30 WCW Monday Nitro nASh Shirt Great Bash ’97
1998-04-06 WCW Monday Nitro nASh Shirt In Your House #4
1998-04-09 WCW Thunder nASh Shirt In Your House #4
1998-04-13 WCW Monday Nitro nASh None In Your House #4
1998-04-16 WCW Thunder nASh SummerSlam ’94 top In Your House #4
1998-04-19 WCW Spring Stampede (1998) Nash v2 SummerSlam ’94 top Souled Out ’97
1998-05-04 WCW Monday Nitro nASh SummerSlam ’94 top In Your House #4
1998-05-11 WWF Raw Is War nASh Shirt In Your House #4
1998-05-14 WCW Thunder nASh None In Your House #4
1998-05-17 WCW Slamboree (1998) Outsiders (Red) Shirt Hog Wild
1998-06-01 WCW Monday Nitro Nash v2 Shirt In Your House #4
1998-06-11 WCW Thunder ? Shirt In Your House #4
1998-06-15 WCW Monday Nitro nASh Shirt In Your House #4
1998-07-06 WCW Monday Nitro nASh SummerSlam ’94 top In Your House #4
1998-07-10 WCW L.A. Melee nASh Shirt ?
1998-07-13 WCW Monday Nitro nASh Shirt In Your House #4
1998-07-20 WCW Monday Nitro nASh Shirt Bash ’96
1998-07-28 [aired 1998-08-08] WCW Saturday Night nASh Shirt In Your House #4
1998-08-08 WCW Road Wild (1998) Nash v2 None In Your House #4
1998-08-10 WCW Monday Nitro Nash v2 Shirt In Your House #4
1998-08-13 WCW Thunder nASh Shirt Fall Brawl ’98NEW!
1998-08-24 WCW Monday Nitro nASh Shirt Fall Brawl ’98
1998-09-07 WCW Monday Nitro Nash v2 Shirt In Your House #4
1998-09-10 WCW Thunder Nash v2 Shirt In Your House #4
1998-09-10 [aired 1998-09-17] WCW Thunder Nash v2 Shirt In Your House #4
1998-09-13 WCW Fall Brawl (1998) nASh None Fall Brawl ’98
1998-09-21 WCW Monday Nitro nASh Shirt Fall Brawl ’98
1998-09-28 WCW Monday Nitro Nash v2 Shirt Fall Brawl ’98
1998-10-19 WCW Monday Nitro ? Shirt In Your House #4
1998-10-25 WCW Halloween Havoc (1998) nASh Shirt Fall Brawl ’98
1998-11-09 WCW Monday Nitro nASh Shirt Bash ’96
1998-11-22 WCW World War 3 (1998) Nash v2 None In Your House #4
1998-11-23 WCW Monday Nitro Nash v2 Shirt In Your House #4
1998-11-30 WCW Monday Nitro Nash v2 Shirt In Your House #4
1998-12-07 WCW Monday Nitro ? Shirt Havoc ’96
1998-12-14 WCW Monday Nitro Nash v2 Shirt Havoc ’96
1998-12-27 WCW Starrcade (1998) nASh SummerSlam ’95 top In Your House #4
1999-01-04 WCW Monday Nitro Nash v2 Shirt Havoc ’96
1999-01-11 WCW Monday Nitro Nash v2 Shirt Havoc ’96
1999-01-21 [aired 1999-01-28] WCW Thunder Outsiders (Red) Shirt Hog Wild
1999-01-25 WCW Monday Nitro Nash v2 Shirt Havoc ’96
1999-02-08 WCW Monday Nitro Outsiders (Red) Shirt Hog Wild
1999-02-21 WCW SuperBrawl IX Outsiders (Red) Shirt Hog Wild
1999-02-22 WCW Monday Nitro Outsiders (Red) Shirt Hog Wild
1999-03-14 WCW Uncensored (1999) nASh Shirt In Your House #4
1999-03-15 WCW Monday Nitro nASh Shirt In Your House #4
1999-04-11 WCW Spring Stampede (1999) Outsiders (Red) Shirt Hog Wild
1999-04-12 WCW Monday Nitro ? Shirt In Your House #4
1999-04-19 WCW Monday Nitro Outsiders (Red) Shirt Hog Wild
1999-04-26 WCW Monday Nitro NWO None In Your House #4
1999-04-29 WCW Thunder Nash v2 None In Your House #4
1999-05-09 WCW Slamboree (1999) Nash v2 None Havoc ’96
1999-05-17 WCW Monday Nitro nash v3NEW! Shirt Havoc ’96
1999-06-13 WCW The Great American Bash (1999) Big SexyNEW! SummerSlam ’94 top Great Bash ’99NEW!
1999-06-14 WCW Monday Nitro ? Shirt Great Bash ’99
1999-06-28 WCW Monday Nitro nash v3 None Havoc ’96
1999-07-05 WCW Monday Nitro nash v3 None Havoc ’96
1999-07-11 WCW Bash at the Beach (1999) nash v3 None Havoc ’96
1999-07-19 WCW Monday Nitro ? Shirt Havoc ’96
1999-07-26 WCW Monday Nitro nASh Shirt In Your House #4
1999-08-09 WCW Monday Nitro nash v3 Shirt In Your House #4
1999-08-14 WCW Road Wild (1999) nash v3 SummerSlam ’94 top In Your House #4
1999-10-25 WCW Monday Nitro Other None Other
1999-11-15 WCW Monday Nitro Other None Other
1999-11-22 WCW Monday Nitro Outsiders v2NEW! Shirt Havoc ’96
1999-11-29 WCW Monday Nitro Outsiders v2 Shirt Havoc ’96
1999-12-06 WCW Monday Nitro nASh Shirt Havoc ’96
1999-12-07 [aired 1999-12-09] WCW Thunder Outsiders v2 Shirt Havoc ’96
1999-12-13 WCW Monday Nitro Outsiders v2 Shirt Havoc ’96
1999-12-14 [aired 1999-12-16] WCW Thunder ? Shirt Havoc ’96
1999-12-19 WCW Starrcade (1999) nASh None Havoc ’96
1999-12-20 WCW Monday Nitro ? Shirt Great Bash ’97
1999-12-21 [aired 1999-12-23] WCW Thunder Outsiders v2 Shirt Havoc ’96
1999-12-27 WCW Monday Nitro Outsiders v2 Shirt Great Bash ’97
2000-01-03 WCW Monday Nitro ? Shirt In Your House #4
2000-01-04 [aired 2000-01-06] WCW Thunder CornersNEW! Shirt Great Bash ’97
2000-01-10 WCW Monday Nitro Corners Shirt In Your House #4
2000-01-11 [aired 2000-01-12] WCW Thunder ? Shirt Great Bash ’97
2000-01-16 WCW Souled Out (2000) ? Shirt In Your House #4
2000-01-24 WCW Monday Nitro Corners Shirt Great Bash ’97
2000-01-25 [aired 2000-01-26] WCW Thunder Corners Shirt Great Bash ’97
2000-05-08 WCW Monday Nitro Other None Other
2000-05-15 WCW Monday Nitro Corners None In Your House #4
2000-05-16 [aired 2000-05-17] WCW Thunder Corners None In Your House #4
2000-05-22 WCW Monday Nitro Other None Other
2000-05-23 [aired 2000-05-24] WCW Thunder Outsiders v2 None Havoc ’96
2000-05-29 WCW Monday Nitro Corners None In Your House #4
2000-05-30 [aired 2000-05-31] WCW Thunder Corners None In Your House #4
2000-06-05 WCW Monday Nitro Nash v2 None Great Bash ’99
2000-06-06 [aired 2000-06-07] WCW Thunder Other None Other
2000-06-11 WCW The Great American Bash (2000) Nash v2 None Great Bash ’99
2000-06-12 WCW Monday Nitro Other None Other
2000-06-19 WCW Monday Nitro Outsiders v2 None Great Bash ’99
2000-06-20 [aired 2000-06-21] WCW Thunder Outsiders v2 None Great Bash ’99
2000-06-26 WCW Monday Nitro Corners None In Your House #4
2000-07-03 WCW Monday Nitro Corners Shirt In Your House #4
2000-07-09 WCW Bash at the Beach (2000) Nash v2 Shirt Havoc ’96
2000-07-31 WCW Monday Nitro Corners None In Your House #4
2000-08-07 WCW Monday Nitro Nash v2 None Havoc ’96
2000-08-13 WCW New Blood Rising Nash v2 None Great Bash ’99
2000-08-14 WCW Monday Nitro Corners None In Your House #4
2000-08-15 [aired 2000-08-16] WCW Thunder ? Shirt In Your House #4
2000-08-21 WCW Monday Nitro Corners None In Your House #4
2000-08-22 [aired 2000-08-23] WCW Thunder Nash v2 None Havoc ’96
2000-08-28 WCW Monday Nitro Outsiders v2 Shirt Havoc ’96
2000-08-29 [aired 2000-08-30] WCW Thunder Other None Other
2000-09-04 WCW Monday Nitro Outsiders (Red) Shirt Hog Wild
2000-09-11 WCW Monday Nitro ? Shirt Bash ’96
2000-09-12 [aired 2000-09-13] WCW Thunder ? Shirt In Your House #4
2000-09-17 WCW Fall Brawl (2000) Outsiders v2 None Havoc ’96
2000-10-07 [aired 2000-10-09] WCW Monday Nitro Outsiders (Red) None Hog Wild
2000-10-07 [aired 2000-10-11] WCW Thunder Outsiders (Red) None Hog Wild
2000-10-13 [aired 2000-10-16] WCW Monday Nitro Corners None In Your House #4
2000-10-13 [aired 2000-10-18] WCW Thunder Outsiders v2 None Havoc ’96
2000-11-06 WCW Monday Nitro Nash v2 None Havoc ’96
2000-11-06 [aired 2000-11-08] WCW Thunder ? None Havoc ’96
2000-11-10 [aired 2000-11-13] WCW Monday Nitro Outsiders (Red) None Hog Wild
2000-11-12 [aired 2000-11-15] WCW Thunder Corners None In Your House #4
2000-11-16 WCW Millennium Final Corners None Great Bash ’97
2000-11-26 WCW Mayhem (2000) Corners None In Your House #4
2000-11-27 WCW Monday Nitro Nash v2 None Souled Out ’97
2000-12-04 WCW Monday Nitro Corners None In Your House #4
2000-12-11 [aired 2000-12-12] WCW Monday Nitro Corners None Great Bash ’97
2000-12-17 WCW Starrcade (2000) Corners SummerSlam ’95 top Great Bash ’97
2001-01-08 WCW Monday Nitro Corners None Great Bash ’97
2001-01-08 [aired 2001-01-10] WCW Thunder Corners None Great Bash ’97
2001-01-14 WCW Sin Corners SummerSlam ’95 top Great Bash ’97
2001-01-15 WCW Monday Nitro Corners SummerSlam ’95 top Great Bash ’97
2001-01-22 [aired 2001-01-23] WCW Monday Nitro Corners SummerSlam ’95 top Great Bash ’97
2001-01-29 WCW Monday Nitro Nash v2 SummerSlam ’95 top In Your House #4
2001-02-05 WCW Monday Nitro Gothic (Red)NEW! None Bash ’96
2001-02-05 [aired 2001-02-07] WCW Thunder Gothic (Red) None Bash ’96
2001-02-12 WCW Monday Nitro Gothic (Black)NEW! Shirt Great Bash ’97
2001-02-18 WCW SuperBrawl Revenge Gothic (Black) Shirt In Your House #4
2002-03-11 WWF Raw nWo LogoNEW! None Misc BlackNEW!
2002-03-12 [aired 2002-03-14] WWF SmackDown ? Shirt Misc Black
2002-03-17 WWF WrestleMania X8 nWo Logo None Misc Black
2002-03-18 WWF Raw nWo Logo Shirt Misc Black
2002-03-19 [aired 2002-03-21] WWF SmackDown nWo Logo Shirt nash LogoNEW!
2002-03-25 WWF Raw nWo Logo Shirt Misc Black
2002-03-26 [aired 2002-03-28] WWF SmackDown Corners Shirt Misc Black
2002-07-08 WWE Raw nWo Logo Shirt Misc Black
2003-04-27 WWE Backlash (2003) Daddy None Misc Black
2003-05-12 WWE Raw Daddy None Misc Black
2003-05-18 WWE Judgment Day (2003) LabelNEW! None Misc Black
2003-06-02 WWE Raw Label Shirt Misc Black
2003-06-07 WWE Insurrextion (2003) Label None Misc Black
2003-06-15 WWE Bad Blood (2003) BDCNEW! None Misc Black
2003-06-23 WWE Raw Label None Misc Black
2003-07-07 WWE Raw Label None Misc Black
2003-07-12 WWE House Show (Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA) Daddy None Misc Black
2003-07-14 WWE Raw BDC None Misc Black
2003-07-28 WWE Raw Label None Misc Black
2003-08-18 WWE Raw Label None Misc Black
2003-08-24 WWE SummerSlam (2003) Daddy None Misc Black
2004-05-08 HUSTLE-3 Label None Misc Black
2004-12-05 TNA Turning Point (2004) Kings topNEW! None KingsNEW!
2005-01-16 TNA Final Resolution (2005) Gothic (Black) None Misc Black
2005-02-13 TNA Against All Odds (2005) Gothic (Black) Havoc ’96 top Misc Black
2005-03-13 TNA Destination X (2005) Label None Misc Black
2006-05-29 [aired 2006-06-15] TNA Impact! Label None Misc Black
2006-06-18 TNA Slammiversary (2006) Golden TrimsNEW! None Misc Black
2006-07-16 TNA Victory Road (2006) Nash v2 None Misc Black
2006-07-31 [aired 2006-08-10] TNA Impact! Golden Trims Shirt Misc Black
2007-11-11 TNA Genesis (2007) Triangle (Black)NEW! Havoc ’96 top Misc Black
2007-12-02 TNA Turning Point (2007) Triangle (Black) Havoc ’96 top Misc Black
2007-12-03 [aired 2007-12-06] TNA Impact! Triangle (Black) Havoc ’96 top Misc Black
2007-12-12 [aired 2008-01-03] TNA Impact! Triangle (Black) None Misc Black
2008-01-06 TNA Final Resolution (January 2008) ItalicNEW! Havoc ’96 top Misc Black
2008-02-11 [aired 2008-02-14] TNA Impact! Other None Other
2008-02-25 [aired 2008-02-28] TNA Impact! Triangle (Black) Havoc ’96 top Misc Black
2008-02-26 [aired 2008-03-06] TNA Impact! Other None Other
2008-03-09 TNA Destination X (2008) Triangle (Black) Havoc ’96 top Misc Black
2008-03-10 [aired 2008-03-13] TNA Impact! Italic Havoc ’96 top Misc Black
2008-03-27 TNA Impact! Italic Havoc ’96 top Misc Black
2008-03-29 [aired 2008-04-10] TNA Impact! Triangle (Black) Havoc ’96 top Misc Black
2008-04-13 TNA Lockdown (2008) Italic None Misc Black
2008-04-26 CP All or Nothing II BDC ? Misc Black
2008-04-29 [aired 2008-05-08] TNA Impact! BDC Havoc ’96 top Misc Black
2008-05-27 [aired 2008-06-05] TNA Impact! Italic Shirt Misc Black
2008-06-08 TNA Slammiversary (2008) Italic None Misc Black
2008-06-23 [aired 2008-06-26] TNA Impact! Triangle (Black) Havoc ’96 top Misc Black
2008-06-24 [aired 2008-07-03] TNA Impact! Triangle (Black v2)NEW! Havoc ’96 top Misc Black
2008-08-12 [aired 2008-08-14] TNA Impact! Triangle (Black) None Misc Black
2008-08-23 MCW Summer Heat (2008) Italic None Misc Black
2008-08-25 [aired 2008-08-28] TNA Impact! Triangle (Black) Havoc ’96 top Misc Black
2008-10-14 [aired 2008-10-16] TNA Impact! Italic None Misc Black
2008-10-23 TNA Impact! Triangle (Black v2) None Misc Black
2008-10-27 [aired 2008-10-30] TNA Impact! Triangle (Black v2) None Misc Black
2008-10-28 [aired 2008-11-06] TNA Impact! Triangle (Black) Havoc ’96 top Misc Black
2008-11-09 TNA Turning Point (2008) Triangle (Red)NEW! Havoc ’96 top RedNEW!
2008-11-11 [aired 2008-11-20] TNA Impact! Triangle (Black v2) None Misc Black
2008-12-07 TNA Final Resolution (December 2008) Triangle (Red) None Red
2008-12-09 [aired 2008-12-18] TNA Impact! Triangle (Black) None Misc Black
2009-01-04 NJPW Wrestle Kingdom III in Tokyo Dome Triangle (Red) None Red
2009-03-21 GLCW Two Words… Too Sweet Triangle (Black) None Misc Black
2009-03-28 NEW Wrestlefest XIII Italic None Misc Black
2009-04-19 TNA Lockdown (2009) Golden Trims None Misc Black
2009-04-21 [aired 2009-04-23] TNA Impact! Italic None Misc Black
2009-04-22 [aired 2009-04-30] TNA Impact! Triangle (Black v2) None Misc Black
2009-05-04 [aired 2009-05-07] TNA Impact! Triangle (Black) None Misc Black
2009-05-05 [aired 2009-05-14] TNA Impact! Triangle (Red) None Red
2009-05-24 TNA Sacrifice (2009) Triangle (Black v2) None Misc Black
2009-05-26 [aired 2009-06-04] TNA Impact! Italic None Misc Black
2009-05-30 IWS X Silver FoxNEW! None Misc Black
2009-06-23 [aired 2009-06-25] TNA Impact! Italic None Misc Black
2009-06-25 [aired 2009-07-09] TNA Impact! Triangle (Black v2) None Misc Black
2009-06-26 [aired 2009-07-16] TNA Impact! Triangle (Red) None Red
2009-07-19 TNA Victory Road (2009) Triangle (Black) None Misc Black
2009-07-20 [aired 2009-07-23] TNA Impact! Italic Shirt Misc Black
2009-07-21 [aired 2009-07-30] TNA Impact! Triangle (Black v2) None Misc Black
2009-08-16 TNA Hard Justice (2009) Triangle (Black) None Misc Black
2009-09-01 [aired 2009-09-17] TNA Impact! Triangle (Black) Shirt Misc Black
2009-09-20 TNA No Surrender (2009) Triangle (Red) None Red
2009-09-22 [aired 2009-10-01] TNA Impact! Italic None Misc Black
2009-10-07 [aired 2009-10-08] TNA Impact! Triangle (Red) None Bash ’96
2009-10-18 TNA Bound for Glory (2009) Triangle (Black v2) None Misc Black
2009-10-20 [aired 2009-10-22] TNA Impact! Triangle (Black v2) None Misc Black
2009-11-17 [aired 2009-12-03] TNA Impact! Triangle (Black v2) None Misc Black
2009-12-20 TNA Final Resolution (2009) Triangle (Red) None Red
2010-01-17 TNA Genesis (2010) Triangle (Black) None Misc Black
2010-01-18 [aired 2010-01-21] TNA Impact! Triangle (Black v2) None Misc Black
2010-01-20 [aired 2010-02-04] TNA Impact! Triangle (Black v2) None Misc Black
2010-03-09 [aired 2010-03-15] TNA Impact! Triangle (Black) None Misc Black
2010-03-21 TNA Destination X (2010) Triangle (Red) None Red
2010-03-23 [aired 2010-03-29] TNA Impact! Italic None Misc Black
2010-04-06 [aired 2010-04-12] TNA Impact! NeonNEW! ? Misc Black
2010-04-18 TNA Lockdown (2010) Neon None Misc Black
2010-05-04 [aired 2010-05-13] TNA Impact! Other None Other
2010-05-16 TNA Sacrifice (2010) Triangle (Red) None Red
2010-05-18 [aired 2010-05-27] TNA Impact! Neon None Misc Black
2010-05-19 [aired 2010-06-10] TNA Impact! Neon None Misc Black
2010-06-14 [aired 2010-06-17] TNA Impact! Neon None Misc Black
2010-08-12 TNA House Show (Mobile, Alabama, USA) Neon ? Misc Black
2010-08-23 [aired 2010-08-26] TNA Impact! Neon None Misc Black
2010-09-05 TNA No Surrender (2010) Triangle (Black v2) None Misc Black
2010-09-06 [aired 2010-09-16] TNA Impact! Neon None Misc Black
2010-09-07 [aired 2010-09-23] TNA Impact! ? None Misc Black
2010-10-07 TNA Impact! (Before the Glory) Other None Other
2010-10-10 TNA Bound for Glory (2010) Triangle (Black v2) None Misc Black
2011-01-30 WWE Royal Rumble (2011) Comeback None Misc Black
2011-05-14 CWI Brawl at the Bush II Neon ? Misc Black
2011-05-21 BTW WrestleFest (2011) Neon None Misc Black
2011-05-27 BCW When Powers Collide Triangle (Red) None Red
2011-05-29 DPW Grand Slam (2011) Triangle (Black) None Misc Black
2011-07-09 ABC Arena Catch II Triangle (Black) ? Misc Black
2011-08-07 PWO Wrestlelution 4: Overdrive Triangle (Black) None Misc Black
2011-08-12 JCW Legends & Icons Triangle (Black) Shirt Misc Black
2011-10-15 AWE Night of the Legends Triangle (Black v2) None Misc Black
2011-11-08 WWE House Show (Newcastle, England, UK) Triangle (Black v2) ? Misc Black
2011-11-11 WWE House Show (London, England, UK) Neon None Misc Black
2011-11-30 WWE House Show (Yokohama, Japan) Neon None Misc Black
2011-12-01 WWE House Show (Yokohama, Japan) Triangle (Black) None Misc Black
2011-12-05 WWE Monday Night Raw Triangle (Black) None Misc Black
2011-12-18 WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs (2011) WingsNEW! None Misc Black
2012-05-05 NWS Wings None Misc Black
2012-05-12 NWS Triangle (Black v2) None Misc Black
2012-05-26 JCW Hatchet Attacks Triangle (Black v2) Shirt Misc Black
2012-06-01 NEW Spring Slam (2012) Triangle (Black v2) None Misc Black
2012-06-02 FTW Locked & Loaded Triangle (Black v2) None Misc Black
2012-09-23 [aired 2012-09-30] AJPW 40th Anniversary Year Flashing Tour 2012 (Day 8) Wings ? Misc Black
2012-10-20 BCW Triangle (Black v2) None Misc Black
2012-11-18 RCW Egos and Icons Triangle (Black v3)NEW! Shirt Misc Black
2013-02-22 NGW Wings None Misc Black
2013-03-23 BTW Silver Fox ? Misc Black
2013-03-24 BTW Wings ? Misc Black
2013-04-27 NWF Triangle (Black v3) None Misc Black
2013-07-13 FSW When Stars Collide Triangle (Black v3) None Misc Black
2013-08-25 CTWE 5th Anniversary Farewell Triangle (Black v3) None Misc Black
2013-09-21 NEW Wrestling Under the Stars II Triangle (Black v3) None Misc Black
2013-10-05 FWF Triangle (Black v3) None Misc Black
2014-01-26 WWE Royal Rumble (2014) Wings None Misc Black
2015-02-06 BTW Wings None Misc Black
2015-02-22 BTW Triangle (Black v3) ? Misc Black
2015-04-11 IWC Night of the Superstars 4 Triangle (Black v3) Shirt Misc Black
2015-04-19 BTW Triangle (Black v3) None Misc Black
2015-05-02 IWR Day of Destiny Triangle (Black v3) None Misc Black
2015-05-08 BTW Triangle (Black v3) ? Misc Black
2015-07-18 NEW Wrestling Under the Stars Tour (Day 1) Triangle (Black v3) None Misc Black
2015-09-19 BTW Triangle (Black v3) ? Misc Black
2015-10-02 BTW Triangle (Black) None Misc Black
2015-10-24 BTW Halloween Havoc (2015) Triangle (Red) None Red
2016-11-19 BTW Triangle (Black v3) Shirt Misc Black
2018-08-10 BTW Triangle (Black v3) ? Misc Black
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Showing all of 521 entries
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  • Indy shows
    2/20/2004, UPW Overload, Outsiders vs Christopher Daniels & Tom Howard
    8/9/2008, JCW Bloodymania II, Outsiders vs Iron Saints
    12/5/2008, GLCW Blizzard Brawl IV, Kevin Nash vs BG James
    12/13/2008, BCW 15th Anniversary, Cody Deaner & Kevin Nash vs Joe Doering & Johnny Devine
    12/14/2008, PTW Holiday Bash 2008, Cody Deaner & Kevin Nash vs Joe Doering & Johnny Devine