Bret Hart

Starting with… the formation of the Hart Foundation.

Bret liked to play mix-and-match a lot with his outfits! I’ll list every combination he showed us since it’s both easier and visually more interesting, but it’s gonna pump up the number of entries quite a bit.

At some point, his nickname (or at least one of them) was the “Pink and Black Attack”. I’d say he earned it.

Tights [119]

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Entrance jacket [19]

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Showing all of 813 entries
  • 1
Date (YYYY-MM-DD)EventTightsEntrance jacket
1985-03-25 [aired 1985-04-27] WWF All-Star Wrestling Early Black w/ WhiteNEW! ?
1985-03-26 [aired 1985-04-20] WWF Championship Wrestling Early Black w/ White ?
1985-04-16 [aired 1985-05-04] WWF Championship Wrestling Early Black w/ RedNEW! ?
1985-04-21 [aired 1985-05-07] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Early Black w/ Red ?
1985-04-23 [aired 1985-05-11] WWF All-Star Wrestling Early Black w/ Red ?
1985-04-27 WWF on PRISM Early Black w/ Red ?
1985-05-07 [aired 1985-05-18] WWF Championship Wrestling Early Black w/ Red ?
1985-05-07 [aired 1985-06-01] WWF Championship Wrestling Early Black w/ Red ?
1985-05-13 [aired 1985-06-01] WWF All-Star Wrestling Early Black w/ Red ?
1985-05-13 [aired 1985-06-08] WWF All-Star Wrestling Early Black w/ Red ?
1985-05-20 [aired 1985-06-11] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Early Black w/ Red ?
1985-05-28 [aired 1985-06-22] WWF Championship Wrestling Early Black w/ Red ?
1985-05-28 [aired 1985-06-23] WWF All American Wrestling Early Black w/ Red ?
1985-06-03 [aired 1985-06-22] WWF All-Star Wrestling Early Black w/ Red ?
1985-06-03 [aired 1985-06-29] WWF All-Star Wrestling Early Black w/ Red ?
1985-06-18 [aired 1985-07-13] WWF All-Star Wrestling Early Black w/ Red ?
1985-07-09 [aired 1985-08-03] WWF Championship Wrestling Early Black w/ Red ?
1985-07-13 [aired 1985-07-30] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Early Black w/ Red ?
1985-07-15 [aired 1985-08-03] WWF All-Star Wrestling Early Black w/ Red ?
1985-07-27 WWF on PRISM Early Black w/ Red ?
1985-07-30 [aired 1985-08-10] WWF Championship Wrestling Early Black w/ Red ?
1985-07-30 [aired 1986-05-05] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#62) Early Black w/ Red ?
1985-08-17 [aired 1985-09-24] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Early Black w/ Blue [w/o top]NEW! ?
1985-08-18 [aired 1985-10-01] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Early RedNEW! ?
1985-08-20 [aired 1985-09-14] WWF Championship Wrestling Early Black w/ Blue NoneNEW!
1985-08-24 WWF on PRISM Early Black w/ Blue ?
1985-09-09 [aired 1985-10-05] WWF Championship Wrestling Early Red ?
1985-09-10 [aired 1985-10-12] WWF All-Star Wrestling Early Black w/ Blue ?
1985-09-14 [aired 1985-10-08] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Early BlueNEW! ?
1985-09-23 [aired 1985-10-29] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Early Black w/ Blue None
1985-09-24 [aired 1985-10-19] WWF All-Star Wrestling Early Black w/ Blue ?
1985-10-01 [aired 1985-10-19] WWF Championship Wrestling Early Black w/ Blue None
1985-10-01 [aired 1985-10-26] WWF Championship Wrestling Early Black w/ Blue ?
1985-10-15 [aired 1985-11-09] WWF All-Star Wrestling Early Red ?
1985-10-15 [aired 1985-11-16] WWF All-Star Wrestling Early Red ?
1985-10-22 [aired 1985-11-09] WWF Championship Wrestling Early Red ?
1985-11-01 Stampede Wrestling TV Early Black w/ Blue ?
1985-11-10 [aired 1985-11-26] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Early Black w/ Blue None
1985-11-12 [aired 1985-12-07] WWF Championship Wrestling Early Blue ?
1985-11-22 WWF on PRISM Early Blue ?
1985-12-03 [aired 1985-12-28] WWF Championship Wrestling Early Black w/ Blue ?
Unknown [aired 1985-12-15] WWF All American Wrestling Early Blue ?
1985-12-15 [aired 1985-12-31] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Early Red None
1985-12-17 [aired 1986-01-18] WWF Championship Wrestling Early Red ?
1985-12-30 [aired 1986-06-30] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#70) Early Blue ?
1986-01-11 WWF on PRISM Early Black w/ White ?
1986-01-13 [aired 1986-02-01] WWF All-Star Wrestling Early Black w/ White None
1986-01-18 WWF House Show (Landover, Maryland, USA) Early Black w/ White ?
1986-01-28 [aired 1986-02-15] WWF Championship Wrestling Early Black w/ White None
1986-02-08 WWF on NESN Early Black w/ White ?
1986-02-10 [aired 1986-03-01] WWF All-Star Wrestling Early Red None
1986-02-17 WWF on MSG Network Early Black w/ White None
1986-02-17 [aired 1986-03-03] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Early Black w/ White ?
1986-02-18 [aired 1986-03-08] WWF Championship Wrestling Early Black w/ YellowNEW! None
1986-03-03 [aired 1986-03-15] WWF All-Star Wrestling Early Black w/ Yellow ?
1986-03-08 [aired 1986-07-28] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#74) Early Black w/ Yellow ?
1986-03-11 [aired 1986-04-16] WWF Tuesday Night Titans (#80) Early Red ?
1986-03-23 [aired 1986-07-07] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#71) Early Blue ?
1986-03-24 [aired 1986-04-12] WWF All-Star Wrestling Early Blue ?
Unknown [aired 1986-03-29] WWF Championship Wrestling Early Red ?
1986-03-30 WWF on PRISM Early Red ?
1986-03-31 [aired 1986-04-12] WWF Championship Wrestling Early Black w/ White None
1986-04-01 [aired 1986-05-03] WWF All-Star Wrestling Early Black w/ White None
1986-04-07 WWF WrestleMania 2 Early Blue None
1986-04-21 [aired 1986-05-17] WWF Championship Wrestling Early Blue None
1986-04-26 [aired 1986-05-12] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#63) Early Black w/ Blue ?
1986-05-04 [aired 1986-05-19] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#64) Early Red ?
1986-05-05 [aired 1986-05-17] WWF All-Star Wrestling Early Black w/ White ?
1986-05-13 [aired 1986-06-07] WWF Championship Wrestling Early Red ?
1986-05-19 [aired 1986-05-26] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#65) Early Black w/ White ?
1986-05-24 [aired 1986-06-16] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#68) Early Black w/ White ?
1986-05-27 [aired 1986-06-14] WWF All-Star Wrestling Early Red ?
1986-05-31 WWF on PRISM Early Black w/ Blue None
1986-06-03 [aired 1986-06-21] WWF Championship Wrestling Early Black w/ White ?
1986-06-16 [aired 1986-07-05] WWF All-Star Wrestling Misc #1NEW! ?
1986-07-07 [aired 1986-07-26] WWF All-Star Wrestling Misc #1 ?
1986-07-15 [aired 1986-08-02] WWF Championship Wrestling Misc #1 ?
1986-07-28 [aired 1986-08-23] WWF All-Star Wrestling Early Blue ?
1986-08-05 [aired 1986-08-16] WWF Championship Wrestling Misc #1 ?
1986-08-05 [aired 1986-08-25] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#78) Misc #1 ?
1986-08-26 [aired 1986-09-06] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Misc #1 ?
1986-08-27 [aired 1986-09-21] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #1 ?
1986-09-06 [aired 1986-09-29] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#82) Early Blue ?
1986-09-16 [aired 1986-10-11] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Early Black w/ White ?
1986-09-17 [aired 1986-10-12] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #1 ?
1986-09-20 WWF on PRISM Misc #1 None
1986-09-22 [aired 1986-10-06] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#83) Early Blue ?
Unknown [aired 1986-09-28] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #1 None
1986-10-07 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping Misc #1 ?
1986-10-07 [aired 1986-11-02] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #1 ?
1986-10-19 WWF House Show (Houston, Texas, USA) Early Blue ?
1986-10-19 [aired 1986-11-03] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#87) Early Blue ?
1986-10-20 WWF on MSG Network Misc #1 ?
1986-10-20 [aired 1987-05-04] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#113) Misc #1 ?
1986-10-28 [aired 1986-11-15] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Misc #1 ?
1986-10-29 [aired 1986-11-23] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #1 ?
1986-11-01 WWF on NESN Misc #1 ?
1986-11-08 WWF on PRISM Early Black w/ White ?
1986-11-15 [aired 1986-11-29] WWF Saturday Night’s Main Event VIII Main Event VIIINEW! ?
1986-11-16 [aired 1986-12-28] WWF All American Wrestling Main Event VIII ?
1986-11-19 [aired 1986-11-29] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Main Event VIII ?
1986-11-20 [aired 1986-12-07] WWF Wrestling Challenge Main Event VIII ?
1986-12-09 [aired 1986-12-20] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Main Event VIII None
1986-12-10 [aired 1986-12-28] WWF Wrestling Challenge Main Event VIII ?
1986-12-13 WWF on PRISM Main Event VIII ?
1986-12-26 [aired 1986-12-30] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#95) Main Event VIII ?
1987-01-05 [aired 1987-01-24] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Main Event VIII ?
1987-01-06 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping Main Event VIII ?
1987-01-06 [aired 1987-02-01] WWF Wrestling Challenge Main Event VIII None
1987-01-10 WWF on PRISM WrestleMania IIINEW! ?
1987-01-11 [aired 1987-01-26] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#99) WrestleMania III ?
1987-01-19 [aired 1987-02-13] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#101) WrestleMania III ?
1987-01-26 [aired 1987-02-07] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Main Event VIII ?
1987-01-26 [aired 1987-02-21] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Main Event VIII ?
1987-02-07 [aired 1987-04-06] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#109) Main Event VIII ?
1987-02-15 [aired 1987-03-02] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#104) Main Event VIII None
1987-02-16 [aired 1987-03-07] WWF Superstars of Wrestling WrestleMania III ?
1987-02-17 [aired 1987-03-01] WWF Wrestling Challenge WrestleMania III ?
1987-02-21 [aired 1987-03-14] WWF Saturday Night’s Main Event X WrestleMania III None
1987-02-23 WWF on MSG Network WrestleMania III ?
1987-03-07 [aired 1987-04-13] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#110) Main Event VIII None
1987-03-10 [aired 1987-03-28] WWF Superstars of Wrestling WrestleMania III ?
1987-03-11 [aired 1987-03-22] WWF Wrestling Challenge WrestleMania III ?
1987-03-14 WWF on PRISM Main Event VIII ?
1987-03-15 WWF House Show (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) WrestleMania III ?
1987-03-16 WWF House Show (London, Ontario, Canada) Main Event VIII None
1987-03-21 [aired 1987-04-11] WWF Superstars of Wrestling WrestleMania III ?
1987-03-22 [aired 1987-04-26] WWF Wrestling Challenge WrestleMania III None
1987-03-29 WWF WrestleMania III WrestleMania III ?
1987-04-10 Stampede Wrestling House Show (Calgary, Alberta, Canada) Main Event VIII ?
1987-04-23 WWF Superstars of Wrestling taping WrestleMania III ?
1987-04-23 [aired 1987-05-09] WWF Superstars of Wrestling WrestleMania III ?
1987-04-24 [aired 1987-05-17] WWF Wrestling Challenge Main Event VIII None
1987-04-28 [aired 1987-05-02] WWF Saturday Night’s Main Event XI WrestleMania III None
1987-05-02 WWF on NESN Main Event VIII ?
1987-06-02 [aired 1987-06-20] WWF Superstars of Wrestling WrestleMania III ?
1987-06-03 WWF Les Superstars du Catch WrestleMania III ?
1987-06-14 [aired 1987-06-22] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#120) WrestleMania III ?
1987-06-23 [aired 1987-07-18] WWF Superstars of Wrestling WrestleMania III ?
1987-06-24 [aired 1987-07-12] WWF Wrestling Challenge WrestleMania III ?
1987-06-28 [aired 1987-07-13] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#123) WrestleMania III None
1987-07-15 [aired 1987-08-02] WWF All American Wrestling Main Event VIII ?
1987-07-15 [aired 1987-08-08] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Main Event VIII None
1987-07-16 [aired 1987-08-02] WWF Wrestling Challenge WrestleMania III ?
1987-07-17 WWF House Show (Uniondale, New York, USA) Main Event VIII ?
1987-07-25 [aired 1987-08-10] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#127) WrestleMania III ?
1987-08-10 WWF House Show (Montréal, Quebec, Canada) Main Event VIII ?
1987-08-15 [aired 1987-08-31] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#130) Main Event VIII ?
1987-08-25 [aired 1987-09-13] WWF Wrestling Challenge WrestleMania III ?
1987-08-26 [aired 1987-09-05] WWF Superstars of Wrestling WrestleMania III None
1987-08-26 [aired 1987-09-07] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#131) WrestleMania III ?
1987-09-12 WWF on NESN WrestleMania III None
1987-09-15 [aired 1987-09-26] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Main Event VIII ?
1987-09-16 [aired 1987-10-04] WWF Wrestling Challenge Main Event VIII ?
1987-09-18 [aired 1987-10-12] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#136) Main Event VIII ?
1987-09-23 [aired 1987-10-03] WWF Saturday Night’s Main Event XII WrestleMania III None
Unknown [aired 1987-10-11] WWF Wrestling Challenge Main Event VIII ?
1987-10-27 [aired 1987-11-07] WWF Superstars of Wrestling WrestleMania III None
1987-11-06 [aired 1987-11-19] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#141) WrestleMania III ?
1987-11-11 [aired 1987-11-28] WWF Saturday Night’s Main Event XIII Main Event VIII None
1987-11-17 [aired 1987-11-28] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Main Event VIII ?
1987-11-18 [aired 1987-12-06] WWF Wrestling Challenge Main Event VIII ?
1987-11-24 WWF on MSG Network WrestleMania III ?
1987-11-26 WWF Survivor Series (1987) WrestleMania III None
1987-12-08 [aired 1987-12-19] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Main Event VIII ?
1987-12-09 [aired 1988-01-10] WWF Wrestling Challenge WrestleMania III ?
1987-12-11 WWF House Show (Houston, Texas, USA) WrestleMania III ?
1987-12-29 [aired 1988-01-12] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#148) Main Event VIII ?
1988-01-05 WWF Superstars of Wrestling taping Main Event VIII ?
1988-01-05 [aired 1988-01-23] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Main Event VIII ?
1988-01-06 [aired 1988-01-31] WWF Wrestling Challenge Main Event VIII None
1988-01-09 WWF on NESN Main Event VIII ?
1988-01-09 WWF on PRISM Main Event VIII ?
1988-01-24 WWF Royal Rumble (1988) WrestleMania III ?
1988-02-05 WWF The Main Event WrestleMania IVNEW! ?
1988-02-16 [aired 1988-02-27] WWF Superstars of Wrestling WrestleMania III None
1988-02-17 [aired 1988-03-06] WWF Wrestling Challenge WrestleMania III ?
1988-03-05 WWF on NESN Main Event VIII None
1988-03-27 WWF WrestleMania IV WrestleMania IV None
1988-04-21 [aired 1988-05-07] WWF Superstars of Wrestling WrestleMania IV ?
1988-04-22 [aired 1988-05-01] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #2NEW! ?
1988-04-25 WWF on MSG Network Misc #2 ?
1988-05-07 [aired 1989-01-02] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#198) Misc #2 None
1988-05-10 [aired 1988-05-21] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Misc #2 ?
1988-05-11 [aired 1988-05-29] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #2 None
1988-05-21 WWF on PRISM Misc #2 None
1988-05-31 [aired 1988-06-20] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#171) Misc #2 ?
1988-06-01 [aired 1988-06-18] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Misc #2 None
1988-06-01 [aired 1988-07-02] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Misc #2 ?
1988-06-04 WWF on NESN WrestleFest ’88NEW! None
1988-06-21 [aired 1988-07-23] WWF Superstars of Wrestling WrestleFest ’88 ?
1988-06-22 [aired 1988-07-10] WWF Wrestling Challenge WrestleFest ’88 ?
1988-06-22 [aired 1988-07-18] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#175) WrestleFest ’88 None
1988-07-13 [aired 1988-08-01] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#177) WrestleFest ’88 None
1988-07-13 [aired 1988-08-06] WWF Superstars of Wrestling WrestleFest ’88 None
1988-07-14 [aired 1988-07-25] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#176) WrestleFest ’88 ?
1988-07-14 [aired 1988-07-31] WWF Wrestling Challenge WrestleFest ’88 ?
1988-07-14 [aired 1988-08-14] WWF Wrestling Challenge WrestleFest ’88 None
1988-07-25 [aired 1988-08-08] WWF Prime Time Wrestling (#178) WrestleFest ’88 None
1988-07-31 WWF WrestleFest (1988) WrestleFest ’88 None
1988-08-02 [aired 1988-08-21] WWF Wrestling Challenge WrestleFest ’88 None
1988-08-03 [aired 1988-08-27] WWF Superstars of Wrestling WrestleFest ’88 ?
1988-08-06 WWF on NESN WrestleFest ’88 None
1988-08-13 WWF on Z Channel WrestleFest ’88 None
1988-08-23 [aired 9188-09-10] WWF Superstars of Wrestling WrestleFest ’88 ?
1988-08-24 [aired 1988-09-11] WWF Wrestling Challenge WrestleFest ’88 None
1988-08-27 WWF on PRISM WrestleFest ’88 None
1988-08-29 WWF SummerSlam (1988) SummerSlam ’88NEW! ?
1988-09-10 WWF on NESN WrestleFest ’88 None
1988-09-11 WWF on MSG Network WrestleFest ’88 ?
1988-09-13 [aired 1988-10-15] WWF Superstars of Wrestling WrestleFest ’88 None
1988-09-14 [aired 1988-10-02] WWF Wrestling Challenge WrestleFest ’88 None
Unknown [aired 1988-09-17] WWF Superstars of Wrestling WrestleFest ’88 ?
1988-09-24 WWF on PRISM WrestleFest ’88 None
1988-10-09 WWF House Show (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) WrestleFest ’88 None
1988-10-10 WWF on NESN WrestleFest ’88 None
1988-10-16 WWF on Z Channel WrestleFest ’88 None
1988-10-24 WWF on MSG Network WrestleFest ’88 None
1988-10-25 [aired 1988-10-29] WWF Saturday Night’s Main Event XVII WrestleFest ’88 ?
1988-10-25 [aired 1988-11-12] WWF Superstars of Wrestling WrestleFest ’88 ?
1988-10-25 [aired 1988-11-19] WWF Superstars of Wrestling WrestleFest ’88 None
1988-10-26 [aired 1988-11-13] WWF Wrestling Challenge WrestleFest ’88 ?
1988-11-05 WWF on NESN WrestleFest ’88 None
1988-11-12 WWF on PRISM WrestleFest ’88 None
1988-11-15 [aired 1988-12-03] WWF Superstars of Wrestling SummerSlam ’88 None
1988-11-24 WWF Survivor Series (1988) Survivor Series ’88NEW! None
1988-12-06 [aired 1989-01-07] WWF Superstars of Wrestling SummerSlam ’88 None
1989-01-03 [aired 1989-02-04] WWF Superstars of Wrestling SummerSlam ’88 None
1989-01-04 [aired 1989-01-29] WWF Wrestling Challenge SummerSlam ’88 ?
1989-01-15 WWF Royal Rumble (1989) SummerSlam ’88 None
1989-01-23 WWF on MSG Network SummerSlam ’88 None
1989-01-24 [aired 1989-02-13] WWF Prime Time Wrestling WrestleFest ’88 None
1989-01-25 [aired 1989-02-19] WWF Wrestling Challenge SummerSlam ’88 None
1989-02-15 [aired 1989-03-04] WWF Superstars of Wrestling SummerSlam ’88 None
1989-03-07 [aired 1989-04-10] WWF Prime Time Wrestling WrestleFest ’88 None
1989-03-08 [aired 1989-03-20] WWF Prime Time Wrestling SummerSlam ’88 None
1989-03-08 [aired 1989-03-26] WWF Wrestling Challenge SummerSlam ’88 None
1989-04-02 WWF WrestleMania V SummerSlam ’88 None
1989-04-04 [aired 1989-04-22] WWF Superstars of Wrestling SummerSlam ’88 None
1989-04-05 [aired 1989-04-30] WWF Wrestling Challenge SummerSlam ’88 None
1989-04-08 WWF on Tele+2 SummerSlam ’88 ?
1989-04-23 WWF House Show (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) SummerSlam ’88 None
1989-04-24 WWF on MSG Network WrestleFest ’88 None
1989-04-25 [aired 1989-05-14] WWF Wrestling Challenge SummerSlam ’88 None
1989-04-26 [aired 1989-05-27] WWF Superstars of Wrestling SummerSlam ’88 None
1989-05-01 WWF House Show (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) WrestleFest ’88 None
1989-05-08 [aired 1989-12-25] WWF Prime Time Wrestling WrestleFest ’88 None
1989-05-17 WWF Superstars of Wrestling taping WrestleFest ’88 None
1989-05-17 [aired 1989-06-17] WWF Superstars of Wrestling WrestleFest ’88 None
1989-06-03 WWF on NESN SummerSlam ’88 None
1989-06-06 [aired 1989-07-01] WWF Superstars of Wrestling WrestleFest ’88 None
1989-06-07 [aired 1989-07-03] WWF Prime Time Wrestling SummerSlam ’88 None
1989-06-10 [aired 1989-10-09] WWF Prime Time Wrestling SummerSlam ’88 None
1989-06-27 [aired 1989-08-13] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Misc #3NEW! None
1989-06-28 [aired 1989-07-24] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Misc #3 None
1989-07-18 [aired 1989-08-19] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Misc #3 None
1989-07-19 [aired 1989-08-13] WWF Wrestling Challenge SummerSlam ’89NEW! None
1989-08-08 [aired 1989-08-21] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Misc #3 None
1989-08-09 [aired 1989-08-27] WWF Wrestling Challenge SummerSlam ’88 None
Unknown [aired 1989-08-20] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #3 None
1989-08-28 WWF SummerSlam (1989) SummerSlam ’89 None
1989-08-29 [aired 1989-09-11] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Misc #3 None
1989-08-29 [aired 1989-09-24] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #3 None
1989-09-20 [aired 1989-10-16] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Misc #3 None
1989-09-21 [aired 1989-10-14] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Survivor Series ’89NEW! None
1989-10-02 [aired 1989-11-04] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Survivor Series ’89 None
1989-10-02 [aired 1989-11-06] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Survivor Series ’89 None
1989-10-03 [aired 1989-10-29] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #4NEW! None
1989-10-10 WWF on Sky One Survivor Series ’89 None
1989-10-13 WWF House Show (Paris, France) Survivor Series ’89 None
1989-10-28 [aired 1990-03-19] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Survivor Series ’89 None
1989-11-20 [aired 1989-12-09] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Misc #3 None
1989-11-21 [aired 1989-12-18] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Misc #3 None
1989-11-21 [aired 1989-12-24] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #3 None
1989-11-23 WWF Survivor Series (1989) Survivor Series ’89 None
1989-11-25 WWF on MSG Network Misc #3 None
1989-12-12 [aired 1990-01-07] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #3 None
1989-12-13 [aired 1990-01-01] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Misc #3 None
1989-12-14 WWF House Show (Hamilton, Ontario, Canada) Survivor Series ’89 None
1990-01-15 [aired 1990-02-19] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Misc #3 None
1990-01-21 WWF Royal Rumble (1990) SummerSlam ’89 None
1990-01-23 [aired 1990-02-05] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Misc #3 None
1990-01-23 [aired 1990-02-11] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #3 None
1990-02-13 [aired 1990-03-10] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Misc #3 None
1990-02-13 [aired 1990-03-12] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Misc #3 None
1990-02-14 [aired 1990-03-18] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #3 None
1990-03-06 [aired 1990-03-31] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Misc #3 None
1990-03-06 [aired 1990-04-02] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Misc #3 None
1990-03-19 WWF on MSG Network Misc #3 None
1990-04-01 WWF WrestleMania VI WrestleMania VINEW! None
1990-04-03 [aired 1990-05-08] WWF Wrestling Challenge WrestleMania VI ?
1990-04-04 [aired 1990-04-23] WWF Prime Time Wrestling WrestleMania VI None
1990-04-13 WWF/AJPW/NJPW Wrestling Summit SummitNEW! None
1990-04-23 [aired 1990-04-28] WWF Saturday Night’s Main Event XXVI Survivor Series ’89 None
1990-04-23 [aired 1990-05-21] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Survivor Series ’89 None
1990-05-14 [aired 1990-05-28] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Survivor Series ’89 None
1990-05-15 [aired 1990-06-09] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Summit None
1990-06-25 [aired 1990-07-14] WWF Superstars of Wrestling WrestleMania VI None
1990-07-16 [aired 1990-07-28] WWF Saturday Night’s Main Event XXVII WrestleMania VI None
1990-07-16 [aired 1990-08-13] WWF Prime Time Wrestling WrestleMania VI None
1990-07-17 [aired 1990-07-30] WWF Prime Time Wrestling WrestleMania VI None
1990-08-07 [aired 1990-08-26] WWF Wrestling Challenge WrestleMania VI None
Unknown [aired 1990-08-19] WWF Wrestling Challenge WrestleMania VI None
1990-08-27 WWF SummerSlam (1990) SummerSlam ’90NEW! OriginalNEW!
1990-08-28 [aired 1990-09-15] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Misc #5NEW! Original
1990-08-29 [aired 1990-09-30] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #5 Original
1990-09-18 [aired 1990-10-06] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Misc #5 Original
1990-09-19 [aired 1990-10-15] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Misc #5 Original
1990-10-19 [aired 1990-11-26] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Misc #5 Original
1990-10-29 [aired 1990-11-17] WWF Superstars of Wrestling WrestleMania VI Original
1990-10-29 [aired 1990-11-18] WWF Survivor Series Showdown (1990) WrestleMania VI Original
1990-10-30 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping Misc #6NEW! Original
1990-10-30 [aired 1990-11-18] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #6 None
1990-11-19 [aired 1990-12-22] WWF Superstars of Wrestling WrestleMania VI Original
1990-11-20 [aired 1990-12-09] WWF Wrestling Challenge SummerSlam ’90 Original
1990-11-22 WWF Survivor Series (1990) Survivor Series ’90NEW! Original
1990-11-24 WWF on MSG Network Survivor Series ’90 Original
1990-12-11 [aired 1991-01-19] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Survivor Series ’90 Original
1990-12-12 [aired 1991-01-06] WWF Wrestling Challenge Survivor Series ’90 Original
1990-12-13 WWF House Show (London, Ontario, Canada) SummerSlam ’90 ?
1991-01-07 [aired 1991-01-28] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Survivor Series ’90 Original
1991-01-08 [aired 1991-02-03] WWF Wrestling Challenge Survivor Series ’90 Original
1991-01-19 WWF Royal Rumble (1991) Survivor Series ’90 None
1991-02-18 [aired 1991-03-09] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Misc #7NEW! Original
1991-03-11 [aired 1991-03-17] WWF Road to WrestleMania VII WrestleMania VIINEW! Original
1991-03-12 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping WrestleMania VII Original
1991-03-15 [aired 1991-03-26] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Misc #8NEW! ?
1991-03-24 WWF WrestleMania VII WrestleMania VII Original
1991-03-26 [aired 1991-04-13] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Survivor Series ’90 Original
1991-03-27 [aired 1991-04-21] WWF Wrestling Challenge Survivor Series ’90 Original
1991-03-30 SWS WrestleFest Survivor Series ’90 Original
1991-04-01 SWS WrestleDream WrestleMania VII Original
1991-04-15 [aired 1991-04-27] WWF Saturday Night’s Main Event XXIX WrestleMania VII Winged SkullNEW!
1991-04-15 [aired 1991-05-04] WWF Superstars of Wrestling WrestleMania VII Winged Skull
1991-04-16 [aired 1991-05-19] WWF Wrestling Challenge Survivor Series ’90 Winged Skull
1991-04-21 [aired 1991-07-08] WWF Prime Time Wrestling WrestleMania VII Winged Skull
Unknown [aired 1991-04-30] WWF Prime Time Wrestling OtherNEW! Winged Skull
1991-05-06 [aired 1991-05-21] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Misc #9NEW! Winged Skull
1991-05-06 [aired 1991-05-25] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Misc #9 Winged Skull
1991-05-07 [aired 1991-06-09] WWF Wrestling Challenge Spectacular ’91NEW! Winged Skull
1991-05-28 [aired 1991-06-15] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Misc #9 Winged Skull
1991-05-28 [aired 1991-06-17] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Misc #9 Winged Skull
1991-05-29 [aired 1991-06-23] WWF Wrestling Challenge Spectacular ’91 Winged Skull
1991-06-03 WWF on MSG Network Misc #9 Winged Skull
1991-06-17 [aired 1991-07-01] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Misc #9 Winged Skull
1991-06-17 [aired 1991-07-06] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Misc #9 Winged Skull
1991-06-18 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping Misc #9 None
1991-06-18 [aired 1991-07-14] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #9 Winged Skull
1991-07-01 [aired 1991-07-29] WWF Prime Time Wrestling WrestleMania VII ?
1991-07-08 WWF Les Superstars du Catch Misc #9 Winged Skull
1991-07-08 [aired 1991-08-05] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Misc #9 Winged Skull
1991-07-09 [aired 1991-07-27] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Spectacular ’91 Winged Skull
1991-07-29 [aired 1991-08-18] WWF SummerSlam Spectacular (1991) Spectacular ’91 Winged Skull
1991-07-29 [aired 1991-08-24] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Spectacular ’91 Winged Skull
1991-08-26 WWF SummerSlam (1991) SummerSlam ’91NEW! PinkNEW!
1991-09-07 WWF House Show (Providence, Rhode Island, USA) (King of the Ring 1991) Spectacular ’91 Pink
1991-09-09 [aired 1991-09-23] WWF Prime Time Wrestling SummerSlam ’91 Pink
1991-09-10 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping Survivor Series ’91NEW! Pink
1991-09-10 [aired 1991-09-30] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Survivor Series ’91 Pink
1991-09-10 [aired 1991-10-06] WWF Wrestling Challenge Survivor Series ’91 Pink
1991-09-30 [aired 1991-11-02] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Survivor Series ’91 Pink
1991-10-01 [aired 1991-10-27] WWF Wrestling Challenge SummerSlam ’91 Pink
1991-10-21 [aired 1991-11-23] WWF Superstars of Wrestling Survivor Series ’91 Pink
1991-10-22 [aired 1991-11-18] WWF Prime Time Wrestling SummerSlam ’91 Pink
1991-10-28 WWF on MSG Network Survivor Series ’91 Pink
1991-11-11 [aired 1992-01-06] WWF Prime Time Wrestling SummerSlam ’91 Pink
1991-11-12 [aired 1991-12-01] WWF Wrestling Challenge Survivor Series ’91 Pink
1991-11-12 [aired 1991-12-08] WWF All American Wrestling Survivor Series ’91 Pink
1991-11-12 [aired 1991-12-15] WWF Wrestling Challenge Survivor Series ’91 Pink
1991-11-13 WWF Superstars of Wrestling taping SummerSlam ’91 Pink
1991-11-13 [aired 1991-12-14] WWF Superstars of Wrestling SummerSlam ’91 BonesNEW!
1991-11-13 [aired 1991-12-21] WWF Superstars of Wrestling SummerSlam ’91 Pink
1991-11-27 WWF Survivor Series (1991) Survivor Series ’91 Pink
1991-11-30 WWF on MSG Network SummerSlam ’91 Pink
1991-12-02 [aired 1992-01-05] WWF Wrestling Challenge SummerSlam ’91 Pink
1991-12-03 WWF This Tuesday in Texas Survivor Series ’91 Bones
1991-12-29 [aired 1992-01-20] WWF Prime Time Wrestling SummerSlam ’91 Bones
1992-01-07 [aired 1992-01-25] WWF Superstars SummerSlam ’91 Bones
1992-01-08 [aired 1992-01-27] WWF Prime Time Wrestling SummerSlam ’91 Bones
1992-01-08 [aired 1992-02-02] WWF Wrestling Challenge SummerSlam ’91 Bones
1992-01-17 WWF House Show (Springfield, Massachusetts, USA) Survivor Series ’91 ?
1992-01-27 [aired 1992-02-16] WWF Wrestling Challenge SummerSlam ’91 Bones
1992-01-28 [aired 1992-02-22] WWF Superstars SummerSlam ’91 Bones
1992-01-28 [aired 1992-02-24] WWF Prime Time Wrestling SummerSlam ’91 Bones
1992-01-30 WWF House Show (Providence, Rhode Island, USA) SummerSlam ’91 Bones
1992-01-31 WWF on MSG Network SummerSlam ’91 Bones
1992-02-17 [aired 1992-03-09] WWF Prime Time Wrestling March to WM VIIINEW! Bones
1992-02-18 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping Survivor Series ’91 Bones
1992-02-18 [aired 1992-03-15] WWF Wrestling Challenge Survivor Series ’91 None
1992-02-18 [aired 1992-03-22] WWF Wrestling Challenge March to WM VIII Bones
1992-03-09 [aired 1992-03-23] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Survivor Series ’91 Bones
1992-03-10 [aired 1992-03-29] WWF March to WrestleMania VIII March to WM VIII None
1992-03-10 [aired 1992-04-05] WWF Wrestling Challenge March to WM VIII Bones
1992-03-23 [aired 1992-05-04] WWF Prime Time Wrestling March to WM VIII Bones
1992-04-05 WWF WrestleMania VIII WrestleMania VIIINEW! Bones
1992-04-07 [aired 1992-04-26] WWF Wrestling Challenge SummerSlam ’91 Bones
1992-04-08 [aired 1992-04-18] WWF Superstars SummerSlam ’91 Bones
1992-04-14 [aired 1992-06-01] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Survivor Series ’91 ?
1992-04-19 WWF UK Rampage (1992) Rampage ’92NEW! Bones
1992-04-28 [aired 1992-05-17] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #10NEW! Bones
1992-04-28 [aired 1992-05-31] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #10 Bones
1992-04-29 WWF Superstars taping Misc #11NEW! Bones
1992-04-29 [aired 1992-05-09] WWF Superstars Misc #11 Bones
1992-05-18 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping Misc #11 None
1992-05-18 [aired 1992-06-14] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #11 Bones
1992-05-19 [aired 1992-06-06] WWF Superstars Misc #10 Bones
1992-06-01 WWF Superstars taping Misc #11 None
1992-06-01 [aired 1992-07-04] WWF Superstars Misc #11 Bones
1992-06-01 [aired 1992-07-20] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Misc #11 Bones
1992-06-02 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping Misc #10 Bones
1992-06-02 [aired 1992-07-06] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Misc #10 None
1992-06-02 [aired 1992-07-12] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #10 Bones
1992-06-03 [aired 1992-06-29] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Misc #10 Bones
1992-06-29 [aired 1992-08-01] WWF Superstars Misc #10 Bones
1992-06-30 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping Misc #11 Bones
1992-06-30 [aired 1992-07-26] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #11 Bones
1992-07-20 [aired 1992-08-22] WWF Superstars Misc #10 Bones
1992-07-20 [aired 1992-09-23] WWF Les Superstars du Catch Misc #10 Bones
1992-07-21 [aired 1992-08-16] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #11 Bones
1992-07-21 [aired 1992-09-02] WWF Les Superstars du Catch Misc #11 Bones
1992-08-10 WWF Superstars taping Misc #10 Bones
1992-08-10 [aired 1992-08-29] WWF Superstars Misc #10 Bones
1992-08-11 [aired 1992-08-23] WWF SummerSlam Spectacular (1992) Spectacular ’92NEW! Bones
1992-08-29 WWF SummerSlam (1992) SummerSlam ’92NEW! Bones v2NEW!
1992-09-01 [aired 1992-09-19] WWF Superstars SummerSlam ’92 Bones v2
1992-09-02 [aired 1992-09-28] WWF Prime Time Wrestling SummerSlam ’92 Bones v2
1992-09-02 [aired 1992-10-04] WWF Wrestling Challenge SummerSlam ’92 Bones v2
1992-09-10 WWF House Show (Providence, Rhode Island, USA) Misc #10 [top unconfirmed] ?
1992-09-19 WWF House Show (Indianapolis, Indiana, USA) Misc #10 [top unconfirmed] Bones v2
1992-09-21 [aired 1992-10-10] WWF Superstars Main Event XXXINEW! Bones v2
1992-09-22 [aired 1992-10-12] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Main Event XXXI Bones v2
1992-10-12 WWF Superstars taping SummerSlam ’92 Bones v2
1992-10-13 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping Main Event XXXI Bones v2
1992-10-13 [aired 1992-11-09] WWF Prime Time Wrestling Main Event XXXI Bones v2
1992-10-13 [aired 1992-11-15] WWF Wrestling Challenge Main Event XXXI Bones v2
1992-10-27 [aired 1992-11-14] WWF Saturday Night’s Main Event XXXI Main Event XXXI CopyNEW!
1992-10-27 [aired 1992-11-21] WWF Superstars Main Event XXXI Copy
1992-10-28 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping SummerSlam ’92 Copy
1992-11-24 [aired 1992-12-12] WWF Superstars Other Copy
1992-11-25 WWF Survivor Series (1992) Survivor Series ’92NEW! Copy
1992-12-11 WWF House Show (San Francisco, California, USA) ? Copy
1992-12-15 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping Misc #47NEW! Copy
1992-12-27 WWF House Show (Worcester, Massachusetts, USA) ? Copy
1993-01-04 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping Main Event XXXI Copy
1993-01-05 [aired 1993-01-23] WWF Superstars Misc #48NEW! Copy
1993-01-08 WWF House Show (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA) Survivor Series ’92 Copy
1993-01-09 WWF House Show (Boston, Massachusetts, USA) Misc #47 Copy
1993-01-18 WWF Monday Night Raw Other Copy
1993-01-24 WWF Royal Rumble (1993) Royal Rumble ’93NEW! Pink & WhiteNEW!
1993-01-26 [aired 1993-02-21] WWF Wrestling Challenge HeadlockNEW! None
1993-01-29 WWF House Show (New York City, New York, USA) (Headlock on Hunger) Headlock Pink & White
1993-01-30 WWF House Show (Providence, Rhode Island, USA) WrestleMania VIII Pink & White
1993-02-07 WWF House Show (Hamburg, Germany) ? Winged Skull
1993-02-15 [aired 1993-03-06] WWF Superstars Headlock Copy
1993-02-16 [aired 1993-03-21] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #12NEW! Copy
1993-03-01 WWF Monday Night Raw Misc #12 Copy
1993-03-08 WWF Superstars taping Misc #12 Copy
1993-03-09 [aired 1993-03-28] WWF Wrestling Challenge Headlock None
Unknown [aired 1993-04-03] WWF Superstars WrestleMania IXNEW! Copy
1993-04-04 WWF WrestleMania IX WrestleMania IX ZippersNEW!
Unknown [aired 1993-04-04] WWF Wrestling Challenge WrestleMania IX Copy
1993-04-12 [aired 1993-04-19] WWF Monday Night Raw Headlock Zippers
1993-04-24 WWF on Tele 5 WrestleMania IX Zippers
1993-04-25 WWF on Tele+2 Misc #12 Zippers
1993-05-02 WWF House Show (Providence, Rhode Island, USA) Headlock Zippers
1993-05-03 WWF House Show (Hartford, Connecticut, USA) ? Zippers
1993-05-04 [aired 1993-06-05] WWF Superstars WrestleMania IX Zippers
1993-05-05 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping Misc #13NEW! Zippers
1993-05-15 WWF House Show (San Francisco, California, USA) Survivor Series ’92 [top unconfirmed] Zippers
1993-05-17 WWF Superstars (italian version) Misc #13 Zippers
1993-05-17 [aired 1993-05-24] WWF Monday Night Raw Misc #13 None
1993-05-24 WWF Superstars taping WrestleMania IX Zippers
1993-05-25 [aired 1993-06-13] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #13 Zippers
1993-06-12 WWF House Show (New York City, New York, USA) Headlock [top unconfirmed] Zippers
1993-06-13 WWF King of the Ring (1993) King of the Ring ’93NEW! Zippers
1993-06-15 [aired 1993-07-03] WWF Superstars Other Zippers
1993-07-19 [aired 1993-07-26] WWF Monday Night Raw King of the Ring ’93 Zippers
1993-07-26 [aired 1993-08-21] WWF Superstars King of the Ring ’93 Zippers
1993-08-13 WWF House Show (New York City, New York, USA) King of the Ring ’93 Zippers
1993-08-17 [aired 1993-09-18] WWF Superstars Showdown ’93NEW! Zippers
1993-08-18 [aired 1993-09-12] WWF Wrestling Challenge King of the Ring ’93 Zippers
1993-08-30 WWF SummerSlam (1993) SummerSlam ’93NEW! Zippers
1993-08-31 WWF Superstars (german version) SummerSlam ’93 ?
1993-09-13 [aired 1993-09-20] WWF Monday Night Raw King of the Ring ’93 Zippers
1993-09-28 WWF Superstars taping Misc #14NEW! None
1993-09-29 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping Misc #14 Zippers
1993-10-19 [aired 1993-11-14] WWF Wrestling Challenge WrestleMania IX Zippers
1993-10-20 [aired 1993-11-20] WWF Superstars SummerSlam ’93 Zippers
1993-11-05 WWF House Show (Indianapolis, Indiana, USA) King of the Ring ’93 Zippers
1993-11-10 [aired 1993-11-21] WWF Survivor Series Showdown Showdown ’93 Zippers
1993-11-24 WWF Survivor Series (1993) Survivor Series ’93NEW! Zippers
1993-11-29 WWF Monday Night Raw SummerSlam ’93 Zippers
1993-12-01 WWF Superstars taping SummerSlam ’93 ?
1993-12-01 [aired 1994-01-01] WWF Superstars SummerSlam ’93 None
1993-12-04 WWF House Show (Anaheim, California, USA) SummerSlam ’93 [top unconfirmed] Zippers
1993-12-05 WWF House Show (San Francisco, California, USA) WrestleMania IX [top unconfirmed] None
1993-12-13 WWF Monday Night Raw SummerSlam ’93 Zippers
1993-12-14 [aired 1994-01-08] WWF Superstars SummerSlam ’93 Zippers
1993-12-14 [aired 1994-01-22] WWF Superstars Misc #15NEW! Zippers
1993-12-15 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping SummerSlam ’93 ?
1993-12-15 [aired 1994-01-23] WWF Wrestling Challenge SummerSlam ’93 None
1994-01-10 [aired 1994-01-17] WWF Monday Night Raw SummerSlam ’93 None
1994-01-11 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping SummerSlam ’93 Zippers
1994-01-14 WWF House Show (San Jose, California, USA) Misc #12 Zippers
1994-01-17 WWF House Show (New York City, New York, USA) ? None
1994-01-22 WWF Royal Rumble (1994) Royal Rumble ’94NEW! Zippers
Unknown [aired 1994-01-22] WWF Mania SummerSlam ’93 Zippers
1994-01-31 [aired 1994-02-28] WWF Monday Night Raw Misc #16NEW! None
1994-02-01 WWF Superstars taping Royal Rumble ’94 Zippers
1994-02-01 [aired 1994-02-26] WWF Superstars Royal Rumble ’94 Zippers
1994-02-02 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping Misc #16 Zippers
1994-02-02 [aired 1994-02-20] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #16 None
Unknown [aired 1994-02-06] WWF All American Wrestling Other Zippers
1994-02-09 WWF House Show (Frankfurt, Germany) Royal Rumble ’94 Zippers
1994-02-21 WWF Monday Night Raw Misc #17NEW! Zippers
1994-02-22 WWF Superstars taping March to WM XNEW! Zippers
1994-02-22 [aired 1994-03-12] WWF Superstars March to WM X Zippers
1994-02-23 [aired 1994-03-13] WWF March to WrestleMania X March to WM X Zippers
1994-03-04 WWF House Show (Oakland, California, USA) March to WM X Zippers
1994-03-20 WWF WrestleMania X WrestleMania XNEW! CoatNEW!
1994-03-22 [aired 1994-04-09] WWF Superstars Misc #18 [after edit]NEW!
WrestleMania X [before edit]
1994-03-29 WWF House Show (London, England) Misc #18 ?
1994-04-11 [aired 1994-04-18] WWF Monday Night Raw Misc #18 Zippers
1994-04-26 WWF Monday Night Raw taping Misc #18 Zippers
1994-05-07 WWF House Show (Yokohama, Japan) Misc #16 ?
1994-05-09 WWF House Show (Osaka, Japan) Misc #18 Zippers
1994-05-23 [aired 1994-05-30] WWF Monday Night Raw Royal Rumble ’94 None
1994-05-24 [aired 1994-06-19] WWF Wrestling Challenge Royal Rumble ’94 Zippers
1994-06-19 WWF King of the Ring (1994) King of the Ring ’94NEW! Zippers
1994-06-22 [aired 1994-07-10] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #17 Zippers
1994-07-01 [aired 1994-07-11] WWF Monday Night Raw King of the Ring ’94 Zippers
1994-07-02 [aired 1994-08-07] WWF Wrestling Challenge WrestleMania X Zippers
1994-07-03 [aired 1994-07-30] WWF Superstars Misc #16 Zippers
1994-08-17 WWF Superstars taping Misc #19NEW! Zippers
1994-08-17 [aired 1994-08-21] WWF Sunday Night Slam Misc #19 Zippers
1994-08-25 WWF House Show (New York City, New York, USA) ? Zippers
1994-08-29 WWF SummerSlam (1994) SummerSlam ’94NEW! ArmbandsNEW!
1994-09-09 WWF House Show (Kassel, Germany) Misc #18 ?
1994-09-14 WWF House Show (London, England, UK) SummerSlam ’94 Armbands
1994-09-24 WWF House Show (Anaheim, California, USA) ? Armbands
1994-09-26 [aired 1994-10-03] WWF Monday Night Raw Misc #20NEW! None
1994-09-28 [aired 1994-10-16] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #21NEW! BikerNEW!
1994-09-28 [aired 1994-10-23] WWF Action Zone Misc #21 Armbands
1994-10-18 [aired 1994-11-19] WWF Superstars Misc #22NEW! Armbands
1994-10-19 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping Misc #23NEW! Armbands
1994-10-21 WWF House Show (Montreal, Canada) Misc #22 Armbands
1994-10-29 WWF House Show (New York City, New York, USA) Misc #22 Armbands
1994-11-07 WWF Monday Night Raw Misc #22 Armbands
1994-11-07 [aired 1994-11-14] WWF Monday Night Raw Misc #22 None
1994-11-08 [aired 1994-11-20] WWF Sunday Night Slam Misc #22 None
1994-11-13 WWF House Show (Cologne, Germany) Misc #22 Armbands
1994-11-23 WWF Survivor Series (1994) Survivor Series ’94NEW! Armbands
1995-01-09 WWF Monday Night Raw Misc #22 None
1995-01-09 [aired 1995-01-16] WWF Monday Night Raw Misc #22 Biker
1995-01-10 WWF Superstars taping Survivor Series ’94 Armbands
1995-01-10 [aired 1995-01-21] WWF Superstars Survivor Series ’94 Armbands
1995-01-22 WWF Royal Rumble (1995) Royal Rumble ’95NEW! StudsNEW!
1995-01-24 [aired 1995-02-18] WWF Superstars Survivor Series ’94 Biker
1995-01-24 [aired 1995-02-25] WWF Superstars Survivor Series ’94 None
1995-01-25 [aired 1995-02-19] WWF Action Zone Misc #24NEW! None
1995-01-25 [aired 1995-02-26] WWF Action Zone Misc #24 Biker
1995-02-21 [aired 1995-03-25] WWF Superstars Misc #24 None
1995-03-13 WWF Monday Night Raw Survivor Series ’94 Studs
1995-03-13 [aired 1995-03-26] WWF Sunday Night Slam Survivor Series ’94 Studs
1995-03-13 [aired 1995-03-27] WWF Monday Night Raw Survivor Series ’94 Studs
1995-04-02 WWF WrestleMania XI WrestleMania XINEW! Studs
1995-04-03 [aired 1995-04-10] WWF Monday Night Raw Misc #25NEW! Studs
1995-04-05 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping Misc #24 Studs
1995-04-21 WWF House Show (Munich, Germany) Survivor Series ’94 [might be the other top] Studs
1995-04-24 [aired 1995-05-01] WWF Monday Night Raw WrestleMania XI Studs
1995-04-25 [aired 1995-04-29] WWF Superstars WrestleMania XI Studs
1995-04-26 [aired 1995-05-07] WWF Action Zone Misc #26NEW! Studs
1995-04-26 [aired 1995-05-07] WWF Wrestling Challenge Misc #26 Studs
1995-05-12 WWF House Show (Providence, Rhode Island, USA) WrestleMania XI Studs
1995-05-13 WWF House Show (Boston, Massachusetts, USA) ? Studs
1995-05-14 WWF In Your House In Your House #1NEW! Studs
1995-05-15 [aired 1995-05-22] WWF Monday Night Raw Other Studs
1995-06-05 WWF Monday Night Raw Survivor Series ’94 Studs
1995-06-06 WWF Superstars taping WrestleMania XI Studs
1995-06-06 [aired 1995-06-17] WWF Superstars WrestleMania XI Studs
1995-06-07 [aired 1995-06-25] WWF Action Zone Misc #27NEW! Studs
1995-06-21 WWF House Show (Birmingham, West Midlands, England, UK) Misc #22 Studs
1995-06-22 WWF House Show (London, England, UK) Survivor Series ’94 ?
1995-06-25 WWF King of the Ring (1995) King of the Ring ’95NEW! Studs
1995-07-23 WWF In Your House 2 WrestleMania XI Studs
1995-07-24 WWF Monday Night Raw King of the Ring ’95 Studs
1995-07-25 WWF Superstars taping Survivor Series ’94 Studs
1995-07-26 WWF Wrestling Challenge taping Survivor Series ’94 Studs
1995-08-15 [aired 1995-08-26] WWF Superstars King of the Ring ’95 Studs
1995-08-15 [aired 1995-08-27] WWF Wrestling Challenge King of the Ring ’95 Studs
1995-08-27 WWF SummerSlam (1995) SummerSlam ’95NEW! None
1995-08-28 [aired 1995-09-10] WWF Action Zone (International version) King of the Ring ’95 None
1995-08-29 [aired 1995-09-02] WWF Superstars SummerSlam ’95 None
1995-09-24 WWF In Your House 3 In Your House #3NEW! Studs [after the match]
1995-09-25 [aired 1995-10-02] WWF Monday Night Raw In Your House #3 Studs
1995-09-25 [aired 1995-10-16] WWF Monday Night Raw In Your House #3 Studs
1995-10-05 WWF House Show (Boston, Massachusetts, USA) SummerSlam ’95 [might be the other top] None
1995-10-23 [aired 1995-11-06] WWF Monday Night Raw In Your House #3 Studs
1995-10-24 [aired 1995-11-04] WWF Superstars Misc #28NEW! Studs
1995-11-19 WWF Survivor Series (1995) Survivor Series ’95NEW! LoopsNEW!
1995-11-20 [aired 1995-11-27] WWF Monday Night Raw In Your House #3 Loops
1995-11-21 [aired 1995-12-11] WWF Monday Night Raw In Your House #3 Loops
1995-11-25 WWF House Show (New York City, New York, USA) In Your House #3 Loops
1995-12-15 Showdown at the Corral — A Tribute to Stu Hart CorralNEW! Loops
1995-12-17 WWF In Your House 5 In Your House #5NEW! Loops
1995-12-18 [aired 1996-01-07] WWF Mania In Your House #5 Loops
1995-12-18 [aired 1996-01-13] WWF Mania In Your House #5 Loops
1996-01-05 WWF House Show (Long Island, New York, USA) ? Loops
1996-01-21 WWF Royal Rumble (1996) Royal Rumble ’96NEW! Loops
1996-01-22 WWF Monday Night Raw In Your House #5 Loops
1996-01-22 [aired 1996-02-05] WWF Monday Night Raw In Your House #5 Loops
1996-01-23 [aired 1996-02-17] WWF Superstars Corral Loops
1996-02-14 USWA SummerSlam ’95 None
1996-02-18 WWF In Your House 6 In Your House #6NEW! Loops
1996-02-19 [aired 1996-02-26] WWF Monday Night Raw Misc #29NEW! Loops
1996-02-19 [aired 1996-03-04] WWF Monday Night Raw Misc #29 Loops
1996-03-11 [aired 1996-03-18] WWF Monday Night Raw In Your House #6 Loops
1996-03-11 [aired 1996-03-25] WWF Monday Night Raw In Your House #6 Loops
1996-03-17 WWF House Show (New York City, New York, USA) In Your House #6 Loops
1996-03-31 WWF WrestleMania XII WrestleMania XIINEW! Loops
1996-04-16 WWF House Show (Hamburg, Germany) In Your House #6 Loops
1996-04-20 WWF House Show (Bayreuth, Germany) Royal Rumble ’96 [top unconfirmed] Loops
1996-05-08 WWF Kuwait International Tournament (Day 1) Misc #30NEW! ?
1996-05-09 WWF Kuwait International Tournament (Day 2) WrestleMania XII ?
1996-05-10 WWF Kuwait International Tournament (Day 3) In Your House #5 Loops
1996-05-11 WWF Kuwait International Tournament (Day 4) WrestleMania XII Loops
1996-05-12 WWF Kuwait International Tournament (Day 5) Misc #30 Loops
1996-09-14 WWF on SuperSport Misc #31NEW! Loops
1996-11-17 WWF Survivor Series (1996) Survivor Series ’96NEW! OrangeNEW!
1996-11-18 [aired 1996-11-25] WWF Monday Night Raw Misc #32NEW! Orange
1996-11-27 WWF House Show (London, England) Survivor Series ’96 ?
1996-12-15 WWF In Your House 12: It’s Time In Your House #12NEW! Orange
1996-12-16 WWF Monday Night Raw Misc #30 Orange
1996-12-16 [aired 1996-12-23] WWF Monday Night Raw Misc #30 Orange
1996-12-17 [aired 1997-01-12] WWF Superstars Misc #33NEW! Orange
1996-12-30 WWF Monday Night Raw Other HitmenNEW!
1996-12-30 [aired 1997-01-06] WWF Monday Night Raw Misc #34NEW! Hitmen
1997-01-19 WWF Royal Rumble (1997) Royal Rumble ’97NEW! None
1997-01-19 WWF Superstars ? Hitmen
1997-01-20 [aired 1997-01-27] WWF Monday Night Raw Misc #32 None
1997-01-21 [aired 1997-01-26] WWF Superstars Royal Rumble ’97 Hitmen
1997-01-21 [aired 1997-02-09] WWF Superstars Royal Rumble ’97 Hitmen
1997-01-25 WWF Shotgun Saturday Night Misc #35NEW! None
1997-01-31 [aired 1997-02-03] WWF Monday Night Raw Royal Rumble ’97 Hitmen
1997-02-13 WWF Thursday Raw Thursday Royal Rumble ’97 Hitmen
1997-02-16 WWF In Your House 13: Final Four Final FourNEW! Hitmen
1997-02-17 WWF Monday Night Raw In Your House #12 Hitmen
1997-02-26 [aired 1997-03-03] WWF Monday Night Raw Final Four Hitmen
1997-03-10 WWF Raw Is War Other Hitmen
1997-03-16 WWF House Show (New York City, New York, USA) Final Four Hitmen
1997-03-17 WWF Raw Is War Royal Rumble ’97 Hitmen
1997-03-23 WWF WrestleMania 13 WrestleMania XIIINEW! FoundationNEW!
1997-03-24 WWF Raw Is War WrestleMania XIII Foundation
1997-03-25 [aired 1997-03-31] WWF Raw Is War WrestleMania XIII Foundation
1997-03-25 [aired 1997-04-05] WWF Shotgun Saturday Night WrestleMania XIII Foundation
1997-04-20 WWF In Your House 14: Revenge of the ’Taker Revenge of TakerNEW! Foundation
1997-04-21 WWF Raw Is War Other Foundation
1997-04-28 WWF Raw Is War Other Foundation
1997-05-05 WWF Raw Is War Other Foundation
1997-05-05 [aired 1997-05-10] WWF Shotgun Saturday Night Other Foundation
1997-05-11 WWF In Your House 15: A Cold Day in Hell Other Foundation
1997-05-12 WWF Raw Is War Other Foundation
1997-05-19 WWF Raw Is War Other Foundation
1997-05-26 WWF Raw Is War Other Foundation
1997-06-08 WWF King of the Ring (1997) Other Foundation v2NEW!
1997-06-23 WWF Raw Is War Other Foundation v2
1997-06-23 [aired 1997-06-28] WWF Shotgun Saturday Night Other Foundation v2
1997-06-28 WWF House Show (Anaheim, California, USA) WrestleMania XIII Foundation v2
1997-07-06 WWF In Your House 16: Canadian Stampede SummerSlam ’97NEW! Foundation v2
1997-07-07 WWF Raw Is War Misc #36NEW! Foundation v2
1997-07-14 WWF Raw Is War SummerSlam ’97 Foundation v2
1997-07-14 [aired 1997-07-19] WWF Shotgun Saturday Night SummerSlam ’97 Foundation v2
1997-07-21 WWF Raw Is War Misc #37NEW! Foundation v2
1997-07-28 WWF Raw Is War SummerSlam ’97 Foundation v2
1997-08-03 WWF SummerSlam (1997) SummerSlam ’97 Foundation v2
1997-08-04 WWF Raw Is War Misc #36 Foundation v2
1997-08-11 WWF Raw Is War SummerSlam ’97 Foundation v2
1997-08-18 WWF Raw Is War Badd BloodNEW! Foundation v2
1997-08-18 [aired 1997-08-23] WWF Shotgun Saturday Night Badd Blood Foundation v2
1997-08-23 [aired 1997-08-29] WWF Friday Night’s Main Event Ground ZeroNEW! Foundation v2
1997-08-23 [aired 1997-09-05] WWF Friday Night’s Main Event Ground Zero Foundation v2
1997-09-07 WWF Ground Zero: In Your House Ground Zero Foundation v2
1997-09-08 WWF Raw Is War Ground Zero Foundation v2
1997-09-09 [aired 1997-09-15] WWF Raw Is War Ground Zero Foundation v2
1997-09-11 Terry Funk’s WrestleFest Revenge of Taker ?
1997-09-20 WWF One Night Only One Night OnlyNEW! Foundation v2
1997-09-22 WWF Raw Is War One Night Only Foundation v2
1997-09-23 [aired 1997-09-29] WWF Raw Is War Misc #38NEW! Foundation v2
1997-10-05 WWF Badd Blood: In Your House Badd Blood Foundation v2
1997-10-06 WWF Raw Is War One Night Only Foundation v2
1997-10-07 [aired 1997-10-13] WWF Raw Is War Other Foundation v2
1997-10-20 WWF Raw Is War Misc #38 Foundation v2
1997-10-21 [aired 1997-10-27] WWF Raw Is War SummerSlam ’97 Foundation v2
1997-11-09 WWF Survivor Series (1997) Survivor Series ’97NEW! Foundation v2
1997-12-15 WCW Monday Nitro Other Foundation v2
1997-12-22 WCW Monday Nitro Other Foundation
1998-01-05 WCW Monday Nitro Other Foundation
1998-01-08 WCW Thunder Other Foundation
1998-01-12 WCW Monday Nitro Other Foundation
1998-01-19 WCW Monday Nitro Other Foundation
1998-01-24 WCW Souled Out (1998) Survivor Series ’97 Foundation
1998-03-02 WCW Monday Nitro Survivor Series ’97 Foundation
1998-03-15 WCW Uncensored (1998) Uncensored ’98NEW! Hockey jerseyNEW!
1998-04-16 WCW Thunder Misc #39NEW! Hockey jersey
1998-04-27 WCW Monday Nitro Other Foundation
1998-04-27 [aired 1998-04-28] WCW Tuesday Nitro Other Foundation
1998-05-04 WCW Monday Nitro Other Foundation
1998-05-17 WCW Slamboree (1998) Slamboree ’98NEW! Foundation
1998-05-25 WCW Monday Nitro Other Foundation
1998-05-27 [aired 1998-05-28] WCW Thunder Other Foundation
1998-06-08 WCW Monday Nitro Other Foundation
1998-06-11 WCW Thunder Other Foundation
1998-06-14 WCW Great American Bash (1998) Slamboree ’98 Foundation
1998-06-22 WCW Monday Nitro Misc #40NEW! Foundation
1998-07-10 WCW L.A. Melee Misc #40 [top unconfirmed] None
1998-07-12 WCW Bash at the Beach (1998) Bash at the Beach ’98NEW! Foundation
1998-07-13 WCW Monday Nitro Bash at the Beach ’98 Foundation
1998-07-16 WCW Thunder Other Foundation
1998-07-20 WCW Monday Nitro Bash at the Beach ’98 Foundation
1998-07-27 WCW Monday Nitro Other Foundation
1998-08-03 WCW Monday Nitro Bash at the Beach ’98 Foundation
1998-08-10 WCW Monday Nitro Bash at the Beach ’98 None
1998-08-13 WCW Thunder Bash at the Beach ’98 Foundation
1998-08-13 [aired 1998-08-20] WCW Thunder Bash at the Beach ’98 Foundation
1998-08-17 WCW Monday Nitro Bash at the Beach ’98 Foundation
1998-08-24 WCW Monday Nitro Bash at the Beach ’98 Foundation
1998-08-31 WCW Monday Nitro Bash at the Beach ’98 Foundation
1998-09-07 WCW Monday Nitro Bash at the Beach ’98 Foundation
1998-09-10 WCW Thunder Misc #40 None
1998-09-13 WCW Fall Brawl (1998) Bash at the Beach ’98 Foundation
1998-09-14 WCW Monday Nitro Other Foundation
1998-09-21 WCW Monday Nitro Other Foundation
1998-09-28 WCW Monday Nitro Bash at the Beach ’98 Foundation
1998-10-05 WCW Monday Nitro Misc #40 Foundation
1998-10-12 WCW Monday Nitro Bash at the Beach ’98 Foundation
1998-10-19 WCW Monday Nitro Misc #40 Foundation
1998-10-25 WCW Halloween Havoc (1998) Halloween Havoc ’98NEW! Foundation
1998-10-26 WCW Monday Nitro Misc #41NEW! Foundation
1998-11-09 WCW Monday Nitro Bash at the Beach ’98 Foundation
1998-11-16 WCW Monday Nitro Misc #41 Foundation
1998-11-17 [aired 1998-11-21] WCW Saturday Night Misc #41 None
1998-11-17 [aired 1998-11-28] WCW Saturday Night Misc #41 Foundation
1998-11-19 WCW Thunder Bash at the Beach ’98 Foundation
1998-11-22 WCW World War 3 (1998) Halloween Havoc ’98 Foundation
1998-11-23 WCW Monday Nitro Misc #40 Foundation
1998-11-30 WCW Monday Nitro Other Foundation
1998-12-07 WCW Monday Nitro Other Foundation
1998-12-14 WCW Monday Nitro Other Foundation
1999-01-25 WCW Monday Nitro Misc #42NEW! Foundation
1999-02-08 WCW Monday Nitro SummerSlam ’97 Foundation
1999-02-15 WCW Monday Nitro SummerSlam ’97 Foundation
1999-02-18 [aired 1999-02-25] WCW Thunder SummerSlam ’97 Foundation
1999-02-22 WCW Monday Nitro SummerSlam ’97 Foundation
1999-03-01 WCW Monday Nitro SummerSlam ’97 Foundation
1999-03-08 WCW Monday Nitro SummerSlam ’97 Hockey jersey
1999-09-13 WCW Monday Nitro Misc #43NEW! None
1999-09-27 WCW Monday Nitro Misc #43 None
1999-10-04 WCW Monday Nitro Halloween Havoc ’99NEW! None
1999-10-11 WCW Monday Nitro Misc #44NEW! None
1999-10-18 WCW Monday Nitro Misc #44 None
1999-10-24 WCW Halloween Havoc (1999) Halloween Havoc ’99 Hockey jersey
1999-10-25 WCW Monday Nitro Halloween Havoc ’99 None
1999-11-08 WCW Monday Nitro Mayhem ’99NEW! None
1999-11-15 WCW Monday Nitro Mayhem ’99 None
1999-11-21 WCW Mayhem (1999) Mayhem ’99 Hockey jersey
1999-11-22 WCW Monday Nitro Misc #44 None
1999-11-29 WCW Monday Nitro Mayhem ’99 None
1999-12-06 WCW Monday Nitro Mayhem ’99 None
1999-12-07 [aired 1999-12-09] WCW Thunder Mayhem ’99 None
1999-12-13 WCW Monday Nitro Mayhem ’99 None
1999-12-14 [aired 1999-12-16] WCW Thunder Mayhem ’99 None
1999-12-19 WCW Starrcade (1999) Mayhem ’99 None
1999-12-20 WCW Monday Nitro Misc #45NEW! None
1999-12-21 [aired 1999-12-23] WCW Thunder Misc #46NEW! None
1999-12-27 WCW Monday Nitro Halloween Havoc ’99 [unknown top] None [shirt]
2000-01-04 [aired 2000-01-06] WCW Thunder Other None
2000-01-10 WCW Monday Nitro Other None
2010-01-04 WWE Monday Night Raw Other Dark WingsNEW!
2010-02-01 WWE Monday Night Raw Other Dark Wings
2010-02-15 WWE Monday Night Raw Other Dark Wings
2010-03-01 WWE Monday Night Raw Other Dark Wings
2010-03-22 WWE Monday Night Raw Other Dark Wings
2010-03-28 WWE WrestleMania XXVI Other Dark Wings
2010-03-29 WWE Monday Night Raw Other Dark Wings
2010-04-08 WWE House Show (Berlin, Germany) Other Dark Wings
2010-04-09 WWE House Show (Glasgow, Scotland, UK) Other Dark Wings
2010-04-11 WWE House Show (Manchester, England, UK) Other Dark Wings
2010-04-12 WWE Monday Night Raw Other Dark Wings
2010-04-13 WWE House Show (Sheffield, England, UK) Other Dark Wings
2010-04-14 WWE House Show (Oberhausen, Germany) Other Dark Wings
2010-04-15 WWE House Show (Hanover, Germany) Other Dark Wings
2010-04-25 WWE Extreme Rules (2010) Other Dark Wings
2010-04-26 WWE Monday Night Raw Other Dark Wings
2010-05-17 WWE Monday Night Raw Other None
2010-05-24 WWE Monday Night Raw Other Dark Wings
2010-05-31 WWE Monday Night Raw Other Dark Wings
2010-06-07 WWE Monday Night Raw Other Dark Wings
2010-06-14 WWE Monday Night Raw Other Dark Wings
2010-07-19 WWE Monday Night Raw Other Dark Wings
2010-08-09 WWE Monday Night Raw Other Dark Wings
2010-08-15 WWE SummerSlam (2010) Other Dark Wings
2010-08-16 WWE Monday Night Raw Other Dark Wings
2010-08-30 WWE Monday Night Raw Other Dark Wings
2010-09-25 WWE House Show (New York City, New York, USA) Other Dark Wings
2010-11-09 WWE House Show (London, England, UK) Other Dark Wings
2010-11-10 WWE House Show (Brussels, Belgium) Other Dark Wings
2010-11-11 WWE House Show (Nuremberg, Germany) Other ?
2010-11-12 WWE House Show (Cologne, Germany) Other None
2010-11-13 WWE House Show (Mannheim, Germany) Other None
2010-11-14 WWE House Show (Istanbul, Turkey) Other ?
2011-08-23 [aired 2011-08-26] WWE Friday Night SmackDown Other Maple LeafNEW!
2011-09-12 WWE Monday Night Raw Other Maple Leaf
2015-05-04 WWE Monday Night Raw Other Maple Leaf
Show pagesShow all

Showing all of 813 entries
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Looking for infos on…

  • WWF All American Wrestling
    8/18/85, Mean Gene Okerlund interviews Hart Foundation & Jimmy Hart
    9/29/85 (taped 9/9), Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart vs Gary Starr & Paul Roma
    12/8/85 (taped 11/9), Bret Hart vs Lanny Poffo
    8/30/87 (taped 8/4), Paul Roma & Jim Powers vs Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart
  • WWF All-Star Wrestling
    8/17/85 (taped 8/5), Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart vs SD Jones & Gary Starr
    9/14/85 (taped 8/26), Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart vs Jose Luis Rivera & an unknown
    10/5/85 (taped 9/10), Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart vs two unknowns
    1/11/86 (taped 12/16/85), Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart vs Yvon Laverdue & Jose Luis Rivera
  • WWF Canadian house shows (aired on canadian TV)
    3/17/86, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart vs the Killer Bees, aired on TSN
    4/19/86, Toronto, Ontario, Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart vs Jacques & Raymond Rougeau
    6/11/89, Toronto, Ontario, Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart vs the Powers of Pain
    2/16,/91, London, Ontario, Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart vs Paul Roma & Hercules
    7/21/91, Toronto, Ontario, Bret Hart vs Dino Bravo
  • WWF on Tele5 (German TV)
    Taped 1/22/90, Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart vs Bill & Tony Mulkey
  • WWF Wrestling Challenge
    4/22/90 (taped 4/3), Bret Hart & Jim Neidhart vs Black Bart & Al Polic